Born This Way - Chapter 18

Aug 07, 2012 20:53

Title: Born This Way 18

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, John, Gray, Owen, Toshiko/Tommy, Suzie, OCs

Rating: NC-17

Warnings/Contains: Supernatural themes, character death, drug references, dub-con.

Summary: Sequel to Choices - Ianto Jones was born and raised in Hell, but he isn’t feeling as demonic as usual lately-thanks to Jack Harkness. But you can’t desert Hell without consequences and suddenly Ianto’s and Jack’s happily ever after may not be so happy.



New Acquisitions



“So, has Hell run out of real demons? Just wondering why they sent a rank amateur.”

Naburus glares death at me from across the table. “You’re one to talk.” Red lightning crackles over the surface of his hand where it rests on the table, fist pointed in my direction. “Show me what you’ve got, Lucifer.”

“Seriously, why would they send a Tender after Jack?”

His eyes flare red heat. “Your…defection left an opening in Acquisitions, which I was more than happy to fill. It’s the department with the most potential for upward mobility, what with Gwen burning in the Pit and all.” A malevolent grin stretches his face. “She was my last official assignment before making the transition.”

Mona sweeps by the end of our table, sliding the pizza onto it. She sets the jug of coke down and scans the table. “Did I forget anything?”

I smile up at her, but it feels strained. I don’t like the way Naburus is looking at her. “Thanks, Mona. I think we’re good.”

“’Kay, Ianto. Let me know if you need anything else.” Her eyes shift to Naburus. “See you at the studio tomorrow?”

A purely wicked grin blooms on his face. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

Her eyes light up. “I can’t believe you got us set up with this demo. It’s gonna be great!”

His eyes devour her as he nods.

“Okay. Let me know if you need anything else.” She moves to the table behind me as Naburus leers after her.

I slide back in the booth and swing a leg up onto the seat. “So, Jack must not be a priority anymore if they’re sending the trainee.”

He leans onto his elbows and fingers a slice of pizza. “You forget, Lucifer. I know you better than most.”

“You need to back off, Naburus.”

“Why the Hell would I do that? I’m making such beautiful progress. Look at me, sitting here at a table with you and my target.” His eyes flick to the hallway in the back and his mouth stretches into a slow grin. “And Owen…let’s just say he’s the icing on the cake. A tasty bonus. I’m thinking of keeping him.”

I feel my blood boil, and it’s everything I can do not to jump over the table and strangle him.

“This is between us, Naburus. Leave Owen out of it.”

His grin stretches wider and his eyes spark. “Sorry…too late. He’s already very into…it. You’ve heard that saying about having your cake and eating it too? Well, I’ve had my cake, if you know what I mean.”

There’s no stopping it. I shove the table into him and grab his shirt as pizza and coke fly, throwing him out of his seat and onto the ground. “You’ll stay away from him.”

The surprise clears from his face, and an amused grin replaces it. He picks himself up off the floor. “And from the looks of it, an added bonus might be reversing your tag. All three of you in one fell swoop. That might be an Acquisitions record.”

I shake my head. “Not even close.”

Owen and Jack come back in to view and make their way back to us. When they reach the table, Jack glances to the mess on the floor. His eyes find mine. “What’s going on?”

“Just a minor disagreement. Russell was just leaving,” I answer, glaring at Naburus.

Mona steps up behind Jack. “You need help, Jack?” Her eyes slide between Naburus and me, then to Jack.

“No, we’re okay,” Jack says, stooping to pick up the empty jug on the floor. “Sorry about the mess.”

Mona throws a towel on top of the puddle on the carpet and scoops the strewn pizza onto the dented aluminium tray, then looks hard at Jack. “You’re sure.” She shoots a glance at Naburus.

“Yeah. Thanks, Mona.” Jack hands her the jug. They stand and Mona hurries back toward the counter, throwing one last concerned glance over her shoulder.

I grasp Jack’s hand and squeeze. “We’re leaving.”

“C’mon, Owen,” Jack says, turning back to his friend, and I see his face fall when he finds Owen staring into Naburus’ eyes. He draws a finger slowly across his forehead and Owen sinks into him.

Jack looks desperately between me and Owen. “Owen,” he says, reaching for his friend’s elbow. “You said you’d come with me and Ianto.”

Owen pulls his eyes away from Naburus’ and his signature lascivious grin is back. “Change of plans.”

Naburus raises an eyebrow at me, with a slow smile. Jack’s eyes flick to me, pleading, then back to Owen.

“Owen, come back to Ianto’s with us…please?”

Owen smirks at him. “And do what, Jack? Watch you guys make out? I don’t think so.”

“I brought some entertainment,” Naburus says, pulling a rolled Baggie from his pocket. An assortment of pills rests in the bottom of it.

Owen’s eyes dart to Giovanni, gawking at us from behind the counter, and to the smattering of customers. He grins as he elbows him. “Put that away,” he mutters.

Jack grabs Owen’s arm. “Please, Owen. Come with us.”

Owen looks at him, an irritated scowl pulling at his features. “Um…no.” He slides out of Jack’s grasp and tucks into Naburus’ side. He drapes his arm over Owen’s shoulders and they turn and saunter out the door.

My gaze falls to Jack, and if looks could kill…



I hover next to Jack as he storms out the door after Owen, and I’m furious at Ianto for getting Jack into this. He should never have let him so close to a demon.

He starts down the sidewalk after Owen and Naburus, and spins on Ianto when he grabs his arm from behind. “Why did you let them leave?” he yells. He starts up the sidewalk after Owen’s retreating back. “Owen!” he shouts, with no response.

Ianto catches him by the arm and he tears himself away from him. He crouches down on the sidewalk with his hands over his head, and a wounded gut-wrenching growl rolls up from somewhere deep inside his. When he looks up, his face glows red from the flashing neon lights of the Zone.

“My Sway is so useless.”

Something stirs in the shadows between the arcade and Giovanni’s, and I have only a second to react, wrapping Jack in a field before a mountainous demon is standing on the sidewalk.

“Suzie,” Ianto groans. His eyes shift to Naburus’ retreating form. “Great. An unholy family reunion.”

Before either of us can stop him, Jack’s on his feet, charging Suzie. He shoves her, but she hardly moves. “Will you all just leave us alone?”

Ianto grabs his wrist and pulls him away as I step in front of him.

But the rumble of Suzie’s laughter catches us all by surprise. Her eyes slide from Jack to Ianto. “I like him. He’s a wild one.”

Jack twists out of Ianto’s grasp and steps up into Suzie face again. “You can’t take either of us.”

“Yet,” she responds with a sharp glint in her eye. “But I’m working on a plan.” Her glare shifts to where I’m standing, invisible. “A good one.” Then she’s gone.

“What was that?” Ianto’s voice is sharp, angry, and I turn to see him grasping Jack’s shoulders, looking him over. “She could have killed you.”

Jack looks totally defeated. “She’s not gonna kill me. I’m tagged for Heaven.”

Ianto releases him. “I wouldn’t be so sure.”

“Whatever. We need to help Owen.”

He hooks his thumbs in his front pockets and starts after Jack as he heads up the sidewalk toward his car. “Jack, I’m not trading your safety for Owen’s. I’ll do what I can for him, but you’re the priority.”

For once, I agree with the demon, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let him off the hook. They slide into the Shelby and I phase into the backseat. “Yeah, good strategy-protect Jack by going out for pizza with a demon.”

Ianto’s jaw clenches and he shoots me a glare in the rear-view mirror. “If I could trust you to do your job rather than dreaming up creative ways to lose your wings…,” he growls.

Jack splits a glare between us, his eyes a storm of fury. “You know what? Both of you can go to hell! I can take care of myself.”

I slouch back into the seat. “Jack, I know you can kick some serious demon arse, but you need to be reasonable. You should never have gone anywhere near Naburus-or Suzie. What were you thinking?”

His eyes cloud and a shadow passes over his face. “I have to help Owen.” He lowers his gaze and chews his bottom lip. “It’s my fault. He’s using him to get to me.” He shoots a glare back at Ianto. “I used my Sway on him. He was gonna come with us. Then the demon did that thing with his forehead and he changed his mind. What was that?”

“He used a mind sweep on him. It’s one of the more powerful techniques we have for getting into someone’s head. But remember, Jack. Even with a mind sweep, he couldn’t make him do anything he didn’t want to.”

He groans and drops his head against the seat, and everyone is quiet for the rest of the ride, absorbed in our own thoughts. Jack’s are on Owen, I’m sure, and Ianto’s are probably on Jack. Mine are still at the apartment.

Every second is torture, because I can’t get Elle’s tearstained face out of my head. Someone is stalking her. And if he was at the party, he’s probably a demon. I have to figure out how to protect her.

What would a demon want with Elle?

Her soul is tagged for Hell. I’ve known that since the minute I first saw her. Probably something happened that was out of her control. But being tagged for Hell doesn’t usually warrant demons stalking you. Most mortals tagged for Hell live their whole lives without ever knowing it.

My throat chokes off as I think about the only logical reason for a demon to be stalking a tagged soul.

They want her now. This guy’s been sent to collect her.

He can’t have her.

I won’t let him take her. She doesn’t belong in Hell.

How am I going to protect both Jack and Elle? Even I can’t be in two places at once.

Ianto pulls into the driveway and parks the car. “Do you want me to come up?” he asks.

“No,” Jack answers, but he doesn’t reach for the door handle. He looks so defeated. Ianto pulls him close and kisses him, suddenly I don’t want to be here anymore. I phase onto the front porch and wait for them to finish their goodbyes.

When Jack finally steps out of the car and walks past me to the door, his face is clouded. He pushes his way into the house as Ianto backs out of the driveway.

I hover, invisible on the front porch, fighting with myself. I need to stay-but I need to go. I float off the porch and look up at the house as the light in Jack’s room flicks on. He’s safe behind Dad’s field. No one should be able to get to him.

I ignore the wave of guilt that washes over me as I phase into the hallway in front of Elle’s door and knock. I hear someone moving behind the door, but it doesn’t open.

“Elle? It’s me, Gray,” I say through the door.

After a pause that feels like eternity, the deadbolts start to slide and then the door cracks open. Elle stares out at me but doesn’t say anything. The door swings wider, and without a word, she takes my hand and pulls me through. When it’s closed and the deadbolts are back in place, she tows me to the couch. I sit and she curls into my side. I nestle my face into her hair and hold her until she falls asleep.

jack/ianto, torchwood fic, au, born this way

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