The Ties That Bind (33/34 + epilogue)

Jun 13, 2012 17:00

Title: The Ties That Bind 33 
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Donna, John Hart, Owen and James Harper, Mickey/Martha, Toshiko/Tommy, Claudia, Phillip, Suzie, Saxon, Rhiannon, OCs
Rating: NC-17
WordCount: 75K+
Warnings/Contains: Explicit sex (does that need a warning?), witchcraft, horror, supernatural themes, minor character death.

Summary: Ianto is a powerful magical warrior, one which Jack Harkness has never been able to resist. Once enemies, then almost lovers, he broke his heart. Years later, Jack must return to his hometown and seek help before it is too late. Jack and Ianto must now put aside their past and work together to defeat an evil threatening to overwhelm and take control of Jack because of his unique bloodline. Secrets and foretold prophecies will plague them and in this paranormal battle, they will need more than magic to survive.

A/N: In this chapter the boys visit Donna and some more revelations are exposed. Also, only one more chapter plus and epilogue to go after this one.

Chapter Thirty Three

For the past week, Ianto and Jack had stayed holed up in Ianto’s little house in Cardiff, and it had been the best week of their lives. But there was a wedding to organise, and they’d been asked to come down to Donna’s so that they could start making plans for the big day. They’d parked Jack’s SUV back at the bar, and as they made their way along the path where Ianto had first pulled his knife on him, he couldn’t help but smile. It was a familiar expression, since he found himself smiling a lot these days.

They’d both lost something important to them because of the Master, but they’d found something, too. Something they’d both been waiting for a long, long time, and they couldn’t help but cherish it.

When they reached Donna’s door, Ianto started to lift his hand to knock, but the door was suddenly ripped open with an audible whoosh. “Well, get your arses in here,” Donna snapped, shooing them in. “I can’t stand this anymore. It’s driving me batty.” Donna’s dark gaze glittered with emotion. “And bad things happen when I go batty.”

From the corner of his eye, Ianto watched Jack give an audible swallow. He looked nervous, but he couldn’t tease him. He’d never seen Donna this wound up and he was feeling pretty nervous himself.

They followed Donna into the cottage’s small dining room, and Ianto was surprised to find Brandon already seated at the table. His brother looked even more dangerous than he had the last time he’d seen him, as if he could break a man apart with his bare hands. He rose from his chair to give him a hug and to shake hands with Jack, and Ianto was relieved that they seemed genuinely happy to see each other. Maybe that was another old wound that could be healed, and he sent out a silent prayer that the two would become friends again.

“Let’s get this over with,” Donna said, taking a seat beside Brandon, while Ianto and Jack took seats on the other side of the table. Donna folded her hands into a tight knot on the table-top, her brows drawn into a deep crease beneath Adi’s furry chin. “This isn’t easy for me to say. But I know it’s something I need to tell you.”

Ianto felt like his heart had just lodged itself in his throat. “Donna, please. Just spit it out.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Donna looked slowly from one to the other, then finally said, “I lied about the prophecy. I created it for the specific purpose of keeping the two of you separated.”

Jack took a sharp breath, and Ianto jerked, feeling like he’d just been slapped in the face. “What are you saying?” Ianto demanded.

Donna’s gaze almost looked teary as she said, “I knew Jack was the one who would hold your heart, Ianto, and that he would feel the same way. I knew it from the first moment the two of you ever set eyes on each other. But I also knew that you needed to stay a virgin.”

“How did you know?” Jack asked deceptively calmly, taking hold of Ianto’s trembling hand.

Donna looked at Jack and explained. “The voices. They told me Ianto would be needed for a purpose one day, and that it was necessary for him to remain untouched.” Returning her bright gaze to Ianto, she said, “I’d been planning on telling you before you got much older, but it wasn’t…easy. And then you were found with Jack that night, and everything changed. I knew I had to do something to keep you from going after him.”

“So you made up the prophecy to separate us,” he said, the words full of pain.

Donna frowned. “The voices have never lied to me before, so I did what had to be done. But only because it was necessary.”

“Why?” he demanded. “I mean, why separate us? You could have just told us the truth. Warned me to stay celibate.”

Donna snorted. “That never would have worked. The way he looked at you-it was only a matter of time before he would have gotten in to your pants.”

Brandon winced, looking as if he was in pain. “Donna, seriously. Think about what you’re saying. I don’t want to hear crap like that about my baby brother.”

“Anyway, I couldn’t take that risk.” His aunt’s voice was firm with conviction. “Not when your virginity was going to be so important. The second I read that spell that Jack brought me, I suspected it would be you. And I was right.”

“You should have told us,” Jack rasped. “You had no right to keep this a secret for so many years.”

Donna lifted his brows. “And would you have been able to keep it in your pants if I had, Sunshine?”

He started to say something, then stopped, and Donna laughed.

“I didn’t think so.” Donna reached up and adjusted Adi, then took a deep breath. “I know you’re both angry, but the lie served its purpose, keeping Ianto’s virginity intact until he was needed for that spell.”

Jack braced his hands on the table and leaned forward. “He’s always been needed,” he growled. “I needed him!”

Completely unfazed by his anger, Donna reached across the table and patted the top of his hand. “And now you have him, Jack. For the rest of your long lives. And you’re smart enough to appreciate what you’ve got.”

Jack mumbled curses under his breath, but settled back down, and Ianto took his hand again, giving it a little squeeze, since he doubted he was going to like his next question for Donna. “You managed to keep me away from Jack, but didn’t you ever worry I might hook up with another man?”

Shaking her head, Donna said, “Once I told you about your death, I knew no other man would have the ability to tempt you. He was the only one.”

“Shit,” Ianto groaned, sliding a wry look toward Jack, whose angry mouth was already curving with a gloating smile. “I think I can actually see your head getting bigger.”

Jack and Brandon laughed, and then Donna said, “I know this has all come as quite a shock to you both, but I’d like to make it up to you, if you’ll let me.”

“How?” Ianto asked with a heavy dose of suspicion.

Donna gave him a hopeful smile. “How about a honeymoon on a private island in the Caribbean?”

Ianto arched one eyebrow. “You know the owner?”

“You could say that.” Donna’s smile grew wider. “I am the owner.”

“An island?” Brandon croaked, his dark eyes going wide with shock. “How the hell did you manage that?”

His aunt shrugged. “Let’s just say that a recent client wished to show me his gratitude with a profound gesture of generosity. I told him some flowers would be fine, but he insisted on giving me the island.”

While Ianto gaped at Donna, Jack rubbed a hand over his eyes. “I don’t even want to know,” he muttered under his breath, and Ianto stifled a laugh. He was no doubt thinking the same thing he was, wondering just what kind of spell his aunt had performed for this mystery client. God only knew what the woman had been up to this time.

“It’s a beautiful place,” Donna added, obviously intent on tempting them to accept his offer. “White sandy beaches and crystal-blue waters. I think there’s even a waterfall. It would be incredibly romantic.”

“We’ll think about it,” Ianto murmured, unwilling to let Donna off the hook that easily. Pushing his chair back from the table, he asked, “Any other bombshells you want to drop on us before we go?”

Donna settled his warm stare on Jack. “Only something that the voices have been telling me about Sunshine here.”

“About me? Oh, God,” he muttered.

“Don’t look so worried, Jack. This is a good thing. It’s about the changes you’ve been going through.”

He tensed, looking a little green, and Ianto gave his hand a comforting squeeze.

“They assure me that your worries about becoming a monster are unfounded. You’ll remain human. But because of your Pharis blood-line, the Master’s bite has simply provided you with some…interesting extras. Perks, if you like, without any of the disastrous consequences.”

Jack could see a ‘but’ and his heart pounded. “But there’s more isn’t there?”

Donna sat up a little straighter, Jack and Ianto mirroring her. “Along with the enhanced abilities it seems that your life-line has been further extended.” Donna looked at Ianto when she said this and Ianto blinked.

“What?” Jack and Ianto said at the same time.

“Your Pharis blood-line gives you an extra boost of life-force which I am sure you are aware of, and also that you age slower than others. People not from our world probably just think you age very well. And looking good, too,” Donna complimented teasingly and Jack actually blushed.

“Yes, I know that, Donna,” Jack said a little impatiently.

“Don’t get ya knickers in a knot, Sunshine,” she warned. “Anyway, you also know that our family is not exactly a hundred percent human and we also have an extended life-force which we share with the elements. What you don’t know is that we also have the ability to regenerate. Some in our line have the unique ability to live very long lives. I am over 900 years old.”

jack/ianto, torchwood fic, au, ties

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