Someone to Watch Over Me - Chapter 18 (Complete)

Jan 16, 2012 14:44

Title: Someone to Watch Over Me (18/18)

Pairing(s)/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen and OCs.

Rating: NC17 (overall)

Warnings: smarm, sap and crack - of the mills & boon type (seriously), m/m pairing

Disclaimer: Torchwood and its associated characters, and events are property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies but shamelessly borrowed for some fun.
A/N: Sadly we have come to the last part. I hope you have enjoyed this tension filled, infuriating and wonderfully smarmy journey with Jack and Ianto. Thanks to everyone who read and to those who commented. Hope you enjoy this last chapter. J



He loved him. The confession was blunt and to the point-just like Jack-and Ianto couldn’t ask for anything more.

Jack gave him another fierce look. ‘So get used to it, Ianto, because that’s not going to change. I’ll stay if you want me to, I’ll stay forever.’

‘May I say something?’ Ianto finally said.

‘Only if it’s what I want to hear. Are you ready to say it, Ianto. Because, if you’re not-’ Jack gave him a heated look ‘-I can be very convincing.’

‘You are the most irritatingly and annoyingly smug man I have ever met. You make me crazy but I do love you,’ he admitted.

‘I can’t believe you were going to let me walk out the door today.’

‘I can’t believe you were planning to walk out,’ Ianto countered.

Jack gave flashing smile. ‘Even if I had, I’d already worked out a backup plan.’


‘I was going to hassle you out until you realised we were meant for each other.’

‘I realised that a long time ago,’ he said wryly.

Jack looked surprised. ‘Do tell.’

Since they were being honest, Ianto figured he owed Jack the truth. ‘I had the biggest teenaged crush on you.’

Jack chuckled. ‘Now I find that hard to believe.’

‘Believe it,’ he said firmly. ‘Why do you think I was in that bar that night? Why do you think it was so humiliating for me to have you of all people turn me in to my parents?’

‘You were there because you thought I’d be there? Jack asked, astonishment on his face.

Ianto nodded. ‘I figured if I acted grown up, you’d think I was. Instead you hauled me home like the spoilt kid I was.’

Jack shook his head. ‘If I’d known you were there for me, I’m not sure I could have resisted you up until now.’

Now it was Ianto’s turn to look disbelieving. ‘I thought you did a good job of acting as if I were completely resistible.’

‘Acting would be the operative word,’ he said dryly. ‘Over the years, it became easy to treat you as if you were just the spoilt kid brother of my best friend. It meant I didn’t have to analyse how I felt too closely.’

‘You said something to me in the kitchen after I had turned the water spray on you-’

Jack smiled. ‘How could I forget?’

Ianto smiled back. ‘You referred to ‘what had always been between us’. I thought you knew about my teenaged crush.’

‘No.’ He shook his head. ‘I meant the electricity that practically crackles between us whenever we’re in the same room.’

Ianto reached out to trace Jack’s jaw, lingering on the cleft of his chin. ‘Why didn’t you ever say anything?’

Jack sighed but his eyes remained intense on Ianto’s. ‘You were the baby brother of my best friend. The son of the people who’ve treated me like a son.’ He paused. ‘There’s a trust that you just don’t betray.’

‘Sometimes, I wish they would realise that I am a grown up now, with the ability to make my own decisions.’

‘I know. But they only do it because they care.’

‘I put you in the same category as them, you know. Then I realised that what I thought as high-handed over-protectiveness was just a way for you to show you cared.’

‘Oh, I cared alright.’ He gave him a quick kiss on the lips. ‘But how did you figure that?’

‘It was when we were at your hideaway in the mountains. When you talked about your dad and the work in your old neighbourhood. I realised that’s the way you showed you cared. By protecting the people and the things you loved.’

Jack smiled and shook his head. ‘Before you give me too much credit, I did use some heavy-handed tactics where you were concerned.’

‘You don’t say?’ Ianto teased. ‘You mean, like getting the key to my house from Owen? And moving right in when I told you to get lost?’

Jack looked contrite. ‘Yeah, like that. In my defense, I’ll say that it was only because I was scared that something might happen to you. But, you were right that I wasn’t giving you the credit you deserved.’ He added, ‘If you want to continue at the Prosecutor’s Office-’

Ianto stopped him. He knew how hard this was for Jack. Having lost his father, it would be tough to see someone else he loved in danger. ‘You taught me not to be so blasé about my security. I thought I’d done well enough by taking self-defense classes. The truth was I was a bit too casual about it. I’d been raised in a tight-knit family in a nice, quiet community and nothing terrible had ever happened to me. Certainly nothing as bad as losing a parent shot and killed by a burglar.’

Jack’s shoulders relaxed. It was clear he was glad Ianto understood that part of his nature.

‘As for my job, I’m going to take it one day at a time. I don’t know how long I’ll stick with it,’ he admitted, ‘but I know that, for now, it’s where I want to be.’

Jack nodded. ‘I can’t promise I’ll always succeed but I’ll try hard to keep my protective instincts in check.’

‘That’s all I ask.’ He smiled. ‘And, by the way, what was it that persuaded you to take us to the next level, when, as you said, you were worried about betraying my family’s trust?’

‘The fact that someone was threatening you,’ he said simply. ‘When I realised something might happen to you, I knew I’d kick myself if I didn’t at least try to explore what was between us.’

Jack rubbed Ianto’s arms with the palms of his hands. ‘Ultimately though, I’m not sure the decision was that conscious. I knew moving in with you was going to test me to keep my hands off you, and I was right. Once I was there, one thing led to another...’

‘Because we hit sparks off each other.’


‘Well, I just want to set the record straight. I never thought you were beneath me. Like you, I had my defensive mechanisms. To the extent you dismissed me as a spoiled, rich, little ‘princeling’. I was going to live up to that in the most obnoxious way possible.’

‘By calling us a mistake, for instance?’ Jack asked, eyebrows raised.

Ianto looked at him, surprised. ‘Is that what you thought I meant?’

Jack shrugged. ‘Seemed logical.’

Ianto shook his head. ‘What I actually meant was that, if you still thought of me as little better than an impetuous teenager, then I didn’t think we had a chance of a relationship built on mutual respect and trust.’

Jack looked him deeply into his eyes.’ You’ve got it now, and my love. Don’t ever doubt it.’

Ianto smiled and pushed him back toward the bed. Jack watched as he stripped his jeans and T-shirt off, leaving only his boxers on.

‘Aren’t you going to take off anything?’ Ianto teased.

‘Mmm,’ Jack responded as he reached out to touch Ianto’s chest, a glint of amusement lighting his eyes. ‘Since you only have those gorgeous red boxers on, there isn’t much to choose from.’

Ianto laughed. ‘You fool. That’s not what I meant-’

‘But I think I’ll go with the boxers,’ he continued smoothly before bending down and mouthing the bulge in his pants and then deftly sliding them down before making his way back up and nibbling on the tip of Ianto’s cock.

Ianto breathed heavily. ‘Now your turn.’

Jack unsnapped his jeans and slid the zipper down. He kicked off his shoes and socks and then Ianto slid his jeans and boxers down over his straining length as he lifted his shirt over his head.

Rising back up from helping him out of his jeans, Ianto reached out and stroked Jack’s cock, sucking the tip into his mouth.

‘Ah, Ianto,’ Jack said, his voice husky with need.

Ianto sucked Jack until he exploded in his mouth, taking it all, savouring the bittersweet taste.

Ianto licked his lips as he released Jack and looked up at him with a devlish smile. ‘I’ve missed your taste.’

Jack groaned and lifted Ianto back up, kissing him hungrily and squeezing his arse. ‘You drive me crazy, you know?’

‘And I’m about to do it again.’

Jack turned around to the bed and rummaged through his bag to find what he needed and then in a sweeping move with his arm, he sent his suitcase and clothes onto the floor.

Ianto pushed him back onto the bed and immediately latched onto Jack’s nipple, sending sparks of pleasure through him again, before moving to the other and doing the same. Then when he’d teased them enough, he raised his head and kissed him long and slow.

Jack’s hands roamed over Ianto’s back and arse while Ianto thrust against him as they kissed. ‘Please, Ianto. I can’t take it anymore.’

Ianto grabbed the foil packet Jack had dropped on the bed and put it on before grabbing the tube and squeezing a generous amount on his fingers.

Jack opened his legs for Ianto to work him open and groaned when his fingers penetrated him. Jack tensed, then relaxed as he opened up to Ianto’s strokes. His breath came harshly, his need nearly too much as Ianto stretched him.

“Ianto, now!’

Ianto pulled Jack down a little, spread his legs wide and positioned himself but held himself still for a moment. Ianto looked at Jack intently and then leaned down giving him a hard kiss as he slid into him, swallowing both their groans in the kiss.

They began to move together, slowly at first and then faster. Their breathing became more laboured and their bodies dripped sweat as they continued to thrust against each other.

It was all becoming too much for Jack and although he had already come a short time ago, he could feel his body reacting to the sensations of Ianto pounding into him. His body tensed up and he came again, shooting up and over his stomach and chest.

Ianto bent down and licked off as much as he could get, drinking him down for the second time that day.

He thrust a little faster and harder and Jack could tell he wouldn’t last much longer and so encouraged him. ‘C’mon, Ianto. Harder. Don’t hold back, Button.’

Ianto did as he was told and with the endearment-that he’d always secretly loved, but would keep to himself-he felt as if he was imploding. He closed his eyes and swore he saw stars as he continued to ride Jack’s arse until he was spent and then collapsed on top of him.


Later, after cleaning themselves, they lay in bed, content, arms around each other.

‘You are amazing, Ianto Jones.’

‘You’re not so bad yourself.’


‘Hmmm?’ Ianto hummed.

‘We’re really going to make this work? Us, together, I mean?’

Ianto raised his head and looked at Jack. ‘You mean, spending our time arguing? Me disagreeing with your judgement? You trying to tell me what to do? And then us having the best and most mind-blowing make-up sex ever?’

Jack arched a brow. ‘Yeah, that sounds about right.’

‘Then, yes. I guess we are.’ Ianto smiled and kissed him.

...That’s all folks...

jack/ianto, torhcwood fic, ay, someone to watch over me

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