Someone to Watch Over Me - Chapter 12

Jan 05, 2012 16:00

Title: Someone to Watch Over Me (12/18)

Pairing(s)/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen and OCs.

Rating: NC17 (overall)

Warnings: smarm, sap and crack - of the mills & boon type (seriously), m/m pairing

Disclaimer: Torchwood and its associated characters, and events are property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies but shamelessly borrowed for some fun.

A/N 1:  Thanks for all the brilliant comments for the last chapter and of course for previous ones, too. I’m feeling rather chipper today after finally getting a rough (really rough) draft written for my ever advancing assignment due date. So in celebration of how wonderful you all are and my accomplishment, I present you with the next part. I quite enjoyed this one because we get to see some more of Owen playing big brother. Enjoy and don’t forget to comment. J
A/N 2: Also FYI - the previous entry has been edited since first posting. After some thought I decided to make a few edits. It doesn't take anything away from the scene but actually adds to the intensity I think.



Click, click, click. Realising again, he’d been lost in thought, Ianto stopped typing on the laptop and saw he’d typed the same sentence three times in a row. He pushed back from his desk in his office at work.

The events of Saturday night replayed themselves in his head over and over.

What had Jack called him? Rash and headstrong?

How dare he! He’d spoken and acted as if he thought Ianto hadn’t changed at all, as if he were-still-a naive, wayward teenager. Even now, having a deeper appreciation for how his protective instincts had developed, Ianto couldn’t excuse how Jack had dismissively labelled him.

Jack’s words and actions annoyed him all the more this time, instead of merely visiting a bar because he harboured a secret crush on Jack, he’d actually slept with him. He’d let Jack strip him bare both physically and emotionally. The betrayal this time, though, was worse.

He’d begun to think they had a new understanding, one based on respect. Instead, Jack had apparently been thinking of him as nothing more than a spoiled rich kid, albeit one he enjoyed an amazing chemistry with.

In fact, after the shooting, Jack had acted just like his family with his over-protectiveness. He’d gone off at Ianto as if he were still a teenager lacking judgement.

Their relationship-however short lived-had been a mistake. Of that, he was now certain. There was no way they could have a real relationship-one based on mutual respect and trust-when Jack had made it quite clear that wasn’t the case.

Ianto had been insane to think differently. The only thing they seemed to have going for them was the sexual chemistry. There was no question they were extremely compatible in bed.

Speaking of which...his body heated up instantly as he recalled the frenzied interlude on the kitchen table that had followed their argument.

Ianto should have pushed him away. Instead, a combination of being relieved at having dodged a bullet and anger at Jack had led to a round of some of the best sex between them. They hadn’t stopped in the kitchen either, taking it to the shower for a second round. They really were great as lovers, if nothing else.

Ianto wondered at the reference Jack had made about the attraction always being there between them. Could Jack have known about his teenaged crush on him? Did he know Ianto had been in the bar that night in the hope of seeing him?

At least Ianto hadn’t admitted his infatuation to Jack. That would have made his humiliation complete.

His phone rang, startling him out of his thoughts. Picking up the phone, he said, ‘Hello?’


‘Hello Owen.’ He made his voice cool. His brother was still on his less-than-wonderful persons list.

‘For fuck’s sake, Ianto. What the hell were you thinking?’

‘Yeah, thanks, Owen. I’m fine,’ Ianto said sarcastically. Obviously someone told him about Saturday. Fortunately the news had managed to stay out of the papers.

‘Yeah, well, you were very lucky, you crazy bastard. You could have been killed,’ Owen shouted down the line.

‘Well as you can tell, I wasn’t. So, sorry to say, your little brother is still here to torment you.’

‘Cut the crap, Ianto,’ Owen said impatiently. ‘You’re just lucky Mum and Dad are in Switzerland at the moment and Rhi and Geffin are on business trips. Otherwise they’d be all over your arse, boy.’

‘Don’t I know it,’ Ianto muttered.



‘Hell, I’d have been there myself if I didn’t have some VIPs coming into the office this morning,’ Owen said. ‘Anyway, Jack assured me that he has everything under control.’

‘Oh he did, did he?’ Ianto tightened his grip on the phone.

Owen cursed and then said, ‘For fuck’s sake, would you just try listening to Jack for a change? I know you two can barely stand each other-’

Ianto wondered what Owen’s reaction would be if he found out he and Jack had recently found one area where they could deal with each other.

‘-but he’s there to protect you,’ Owen continued, ‘and he’s one of the best in the business. So, would you stop trying to make his job harder than it has to be?’

‘And I still have a job to do, Owen,’ he said, tone clipped. ‘And that’s putting the criminals behind bars. Unfortunately, that may involve some risks.’

‘Right. You know I don’t think the family can take much more of this. You’ve been there close to five years now. Yes it’s dangerous, but this latest episode with your getting shot at may be the nail in the coffin for Mum and Dad.’

Ianto closed his eyes. ‘You told them?’

‘Not yet, but someone has to because the papers may link your name to the shooting sooner or later,’ Owen said significantly.

Ianto opened his eyes again. ‘Fine, I know.’ He could already picture the headlines. Years of hard work trying to make a name for himself would disappear in no time flat.

‘All I’m saying is you may want to start thinking about a different career track. Jack says the usual stint is three years or so.’

Jack had said that, had he? Ianto would be interested in knowing what else Jack said. ‘Maybe it isn’t just a stint. Have you ever thought maybe I want to climb the ladder?’

Owen didn’t say anything but a distinct sigh came over the line.

‘Besides,’ he persisted, ‘I’m not the only one taking risks, Owen. Everyone in this office has a tough job. If it weren’t me, it would be someone else.’

‘Alright, that’s all well and good, but the fact of the matter is that it is you,’ Owen argued. ‘You’ve been the one getting the threats. You are the one who got shot at. And you can’t tell me that your name and your family’s wealth and high profile don’t put you at special risk.’

Ianto thought about the phone threat he’d gotten: kidnapped and held ‘for a pretty penny’. Owen had inadvertently hit the mark. Aloud, Ianto said, ‘I’m not going to be boxed in because of who my family is.”

Owen tried to interrupt but he went on, ‘And you can tell that to your friend, Jack, too.’

‘For fuck’s sake, Ianto. Why don’t you just shag him and get it over with. We all know you want to,’ Owen said and laughed.

‘What!’ Ianto spluttered.

‘Oh, come on, Ianto, it’s so obvious you two have a thing for him. You have ever since I brought him home from school that summer.’

‘I have no idea what you are talking about,’ Ianto denied, little too quickly.

‘Oh, I get it,’ Owen said slowly, picking up something in Ianto’s tone. ‘You’ve already bumped uglies.’

‘That’s charming,’ Ianto scoffed. ‘Did he tell you that, too, while reporting back to you on my comings and goings?’

‘What? Am I wrong?’ Owen questioned. ‘I’m so telling Mum.’

“Don’t you dare, Owen,’ Ianto warned.

‘Or what, you’ll beat me up?’ Owen said, his voice quivering in mock terror. ‘You don’t scare me little man.’

‘I’m bigger than you Owen,’ Ianto said, almost petulantly. Owen always did this to him. ‘You’re such a wanker, Owen. And, it’s none of your business.’

‘Well, you could do worse, you know. And we all actually like Jack, well maybe except for you by the way you act around him.’

‘Owen, I’m busy. I’ll talk to you later. Oh, and if you tell Mum, I will beat you up, you twat.’

Hanging up from Owen, his thoughts turned back to the earlier part of the conversation. If it were possible, he was even more annoyed at Jack than before. Ratted him out to his family again, had he? He hadn’t even waited for Ianto to tell them in his own way. Instead, he’d lost no time in spilling the entire story to Owen as if he were still an obstinate teen whose family he had to enlist to keep him in line.

Had Jack also had the balls to suggest to Owen that Ianto should be looking to move out of the Prosecutor’s Office because it had become too dangerous? Is that how the thought had occurred to Owen?

He wouldn’t put it past Jack.

Why were they treating him like some damsel in distress?

He narrowed his eyes. If Jack thought things were icy between them now, he’d better get ready for a deep freeze.

jack/ianto, torchwood fic, au, someone to watch over me

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