Someone to Watch Over Me - Chapter 9

Dec 31, 2011 17:31

Title: Someone to Watch Over Me (9/?)

Pairing(s)/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen and OCs.

Rating: NC17 (overall)

Warnings: smarm, sap and crack - of the mills & boon type (seriously), m/m pairing

Disclaimer: Torchwood and its associated characters, and events are property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies but shamelessly borrowed for some fun.

A/N 1:  This chapter is a peace offering for the cliffie left with the last chapter. And yes, swooning is allowed at this point. :) Smexy times ahead. Enjoy! Hope you all have a great and safe New Year. Thanks to all for reading and commenting on all my stuff in the past year. You guys rock.
Summary: Jack Harkness, a close family, and owner of a prestigious security firm is asked to take on the task of protecting Ianto Jones when he starts receiving death threats.


Ianto felt prickles of awareness all over his skin at Jack’s touch. He knew if they slept together, nothing would be the same again.

This wasn’t about one kiss or one night. This was about getting with a guy who wouldn’t be as easy to handle as any of the others he’d dated in the past. Jack would challenge him, and there would be no smug assurance that he was in control.

When he still hadn’t said anything, the light went out of Jack’s eyes and his hand dropped away from his mouth. Ianto hadn’t voiced an invitation-and Jack hadn’t read one in his eyes-so he was backing off.

In that instant, however, Ianto knew he couldn’t let this moment pass. Jack offered comfort and safety in a world that had become a lot scarier for him. And, while he knew he could always stand on his own if he had to, he also knew that now-tonight-he wanted that comfort.

He wanted this, and the possibility that he wouldn’t be in control was more of a temptation than a risk at this point.

Ianto slid to the edge of his chair so that their groins were almost flush up against each other. Jack’s usual cockiness was gone. Instead, what he saw was raw hunger and naked desire.

Ianto reached up his hand and placed it on the back of Jack’s head and then slowly, very slowly, pressed his lips to Jack’s. His mouth opened under the pressure of Ianto’s lips, rubbing and stroking against his.

Jack took his time-as if he had all the time in the world-letting Ianto lead, then demanding more. Yet, he held his arms at the sides, his mouth the only part involved at the moment-well maybe not the only part.

Ianto could tell the man definitely knew how to kiss, but he wanted more. Just when he was on the point of making sounds of frustration, Jack wrapped his arms around him.

The kiss deepened, Jack’s tongue joining in to dance with his. He couldn’t get enough and his fingers threaded through Jack’s hair. He couldn’t seem to get close enough to him-couldn’t get enough.

When Jack finally tore his mouth from Ianto’s, he said huskily, ‘Wrap your legs around me.’

Ianto eagerly obeyed, and from his stool, he wrapped his legs around Jack and his hands grabbed his arse, pulling him as close as he could get causing them both to hiss as their denim-covered cocks rubbed together.

Ianto shifted slightly, causing Jack to hiss loudly at the friction. ‘Do that again and we won’t make it to the bed.’

Ianto laughed breathlessly. ‘What about the couch down here?’

Jack stopped for a second and gave him a smouldering look. ‘I want to see you lying in my bed. I want to see your naked body spread out on my bed.’ He leaned so his forehead rested against Ianto’s. ‘I want to see you. I want to taste you and I want to hear you scream my name when I make you fall apart.’

Ianto shivered in anticipation. ‘In that order?’

Jack straightened. ‘In any order, but I hope I’ve answered your question. There is a couch, but we won’t be using it. At least not this time.’

‘Can you hurry then?’ Ianto teased, almost hurting with want.

Jack smiled mischievously, and then, hoisted Ianto over his shoulder, fireman style and turned and headed for the stairs.

‘Jack!’ Ianto laughed and slapped Jack on the arse playfully.

At the end of the hallway upstairs, Jack bound through the open door into his bedroom and in two strides, crossed to the bed and flipped Ianto off his shoulder, coming down half of top of him.

There was no further thought, pure need had taken over. Ianto was vaguely aware of Jack helping him take off his shoes and socks and then his shirt off over his head before teasingly unclasping the button of his jeans, letting them sit open as he trailed his fingers along the waist line, and then trailing his fingers up his flat stomach until it reached the smattering of hair on his chest.

‘You’re perfect,’ Jack said as he lightly drew his fingers through the hair. Then he lowered his head and licked a nipple before closing his mouth around it and sucking.

When he moved to the other nipple, Ianto threaded his fingers through Jack’s hair and let his eyes close, losing himself in the sensation. Damn, if this is how he reacted to having his nipples sucked, he could only imagine the rest. Yet, he didn’t have to imagine for much longer.

Jack’s mouth left his nipple and moved up to kiss his lips. Ianto put his arms around his neck and put everything into the kiss until Jack finally pulled back with a groan and sat up.

Ianto opened his eyes and nearly moaned in protest until he saw the open need in Jack’s eyes. Raising himself on his elbows, he watched Jack as he quickly rid himself of his shirts. His chest was hairless and he had a well-defined chest and upper arms.

He’d seen Jack shirtless before several times over the years, when he’d come to pool parties and memorably when he’d filled in for our gardener one semester break and Ianto had spied Jack in the process of taking of a sweaty stained shirt on his way to the shower in the pool house.

He’d fantasised on a number of occasions about touching Jack. Now, he sat up and run his hands along the hard, yet soft planes of Jack’s chest and stomach.

‘Yes,’ Jack groaned.

Ianto loved the power he seemed to have at this moment. He pressed his lips where his hands had been, placing hot, wet kisses on his chest, returning the favour and sucking his sensitised nipples, only to have him pushed back on the bed with a growl.

He practically ripped his shoes and jeans off, and Ianto gasped at the sight before him. Jack was glorious, just as he’d imagined, if not more. He was a God. Before Ianto could do anything, Jack had pushed him back down and peeled his jeans off, taking his underwear with them.

Jack stared at Ianto. ‘I told you, perfect,’ he repeated as he took in Ianto’s naked, beautiful body. ‘You are absolutely beautiful, Ianto.’

Ianto couldn’t help but smile. He was drinking in the adoration.

Jack fell back onto the bed beside Ianto and splayed his hand over Ianto’s hip and their lips met in a deep hungry kiss. He moved his hand to caress Ianto’s leg, then moved to his inner thigh, making Ianto’s cock jump in anticipation.

Ianto moaned into Jack’s mouth as he finally took hold of his throbbing cock and pumped it painfully slow.

‘Jack,’ Ianto growled, as the other man broke the kiss. ‘More.’

‘Oh, there will be more. Scoot over.’ Jack kept pumping Ianto and as they settled again he started licking and biting his way down Ianto’s torso and then lifted Ianto’s cock as he buried his face in his balls before sucking one into his mouth and then the other.

Ianto moaned again loudly and began to thrust up, hoping Jack would take the hint to pump harder and faster. ‘More,’ he repeated. ‘I need more, Jack.’

Jack finished with Ianto’s balls and licked his way up the underside of Ianto’s cock and then swirled his tongue around the tip, slurping up the tangy liquid leaking out.

“Yes, Jack.’

“Yeah, that’s it, Ianto,’ Jack said in a smoky voice as he lifted his head to see Ianto, all flushed, eyes half-lidded. ‘Let me hear how it makes you feel.’

He held the base of Ianto’s cock and slowly took it whole. Ianto opened his eyes to look at Jack taking it all down. ‘Oh, fuck, that’s it. Suck me.’

Jack looked up as he sucked, his mouth full of Ianto and hummed.

‘Jack!’ he cried as he felt himself fall over the edge in a rush of adrenalin as he spurted into Jack’s eager mouth. He pumped his hips a few times as his climax ended.

Jack drank Ianto down, every last drop and with a finality, let the soft cock out of his mouth with a soft pop.

When Ianto finally opened his eyes again, Jack was lying next to him, his head propped up on his hand. His other hand was tracing lacy circles on his thigh.

He looked down and caught sight of Jack’s hard cock which was pressing against his leg.

‘Yes, I still want you,’ he said, a hint of humour in his voice.

Ianto looked back up at him. He was looking a little bit too pleased with himself, he decided. Giving him a coy look, he said, ‘Well, thanks for everything’ and made to rise.

Laughing, Jack pushed him back onto the bed. ‘Not so fast, Button. I think we have unfinished business.’

‘Really?’ he feigned innocence. ‘And what would that be...?’

Instead of responding, Jack kissed him hard and hungrily and Ianto gave as good as he got. Ianto reached down and grasped Jack’s cock, stroking him until he pushed back. ‘I’m about to come undone here, Ianto.’

‘That’s the idea, Jack.’

‘I’d rather come undone inside you,’ he said hungrily.

Ianto stopped pumping and lifted one of his legs invitingly as Jack reached into a draw of the nightstand and pulled out a bottle and a condom. Turning back to Ianto, he said, ‘I just want you to know that I haven’t brought anyone else here with me.’

Ianto opened then shut his mouth again.

‘And secondly,’ he went on, ‘I didn’t bring protection along because I was sure of myself. I just thought being prepared wouldn’t be a bad idea given the fireworks between us lately.’

Ianto felt ridiculously pleased at being the only person he’d brought to his hideaway in the mountains. He took the tube from him and flipped it open. ‘You have some work to do, or have you forgotten already?’ Ianto teased.

Jack put his hand out and Ianto squeezed some gel onto his fingers and opened his legs wider.

Jack slid his fingers between Ianto’s arse-cheeks and prepared him for his extremely ready cock. When he thought Ianto was ready, he grabbed the foil packet again and ripped it open.

Without warning, Ianto had flipped him over and straddled him. He took the open packet from Jack and slipped it over Jack’s leaking cock. ‘Ah, Ianto,’ he moaned.

Ianto gave him a quick kiss on the lips and slid down until he felt fuller than he’d ever felt before.

‘Ah fuck, Ianto.’

Ianto set the rhythm, rising and falling while Jack met him with counterthrusts. The momentum built until both were sweating and breathing hard, Jack sending him spiralling into a place he’d never believed possible, and then he felt like he’d burst open as he came for the second time that night, his body jerking as he continued to ride Jack through his orgasm.

Jack groaned at the feel of Ianto’s arse tightening through his climax and knew his own wasn’t very far away. He grabbed Ianto’s hips and held him firm against him as he continued to thrust up, faster and harder and then finally, gave a hoarse groan as he came like a bullet shooting out of a gun.


Jack came back to reality slowly. He felt as if he’d passed through a wringer, he was spent, his muscles weak with release. Still, he’d never felt more alive. Before tonight, he’d thought the sexual tension between them was a sign they’d be magic in bed together. He hadn’t been wrong.

He looked over at Ianto. His eyes were closed, their ebony lashes flickering against his fair skin. A slight smile played at the corner of his lips.

He’d blown Jack away. If he’d had any clue, he wondered whether he could have resisted him for so long, even with the many reasons it made sense to do so.

And that was the problem, he acknowledged. Those reasons had not gone away.

His job was to protect Ianto, not shag him. But it wasn’t just sex. At least he didn’t think it was. And he couldn’t regret what had happened. He wouldn’t.

Yet, Ianto was the son of the couple who had treated him like a surrogate son all these years and Owen’s little brother. What was he supposed to say to his best friend next time he saw him? Hey, I slept with your little brother, and hey, it was better than the fantasy.

‘Course, then he’d have to let Owen deck him. He’d been asked to be Ianto’s bodyguard, not his lover.

And yet, the attraction between him and Ianto had been simmering for a long time. The threat against him had simply been the match that had ignited the tinderbox that they’d shoved their feelings in so they could safely ignore it.

He was probably going to need to tread carefully, that was for sure. Among other things, he had to figure out sooner rather than later who was making the death threats. After that, he could focus on figuring out the rest.

He glanced back over at his sleeping face. Whether Ianto was going to admit it or not, what they’d started tonight wasn’t finished.

jack/ianto, torchwood fic, au, someone to watch over me

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