Choices - Chapter 20 Part 2

Oct 07, 2011 20:00

Title: Choices

Chapter 20 - Divine Intervention
Pairing(s)/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Owen, Tosh, John, OCs

Rating: NC17 (overall)

Warnings: supernatural themes, violence, m/m pairing

A/N: Next part posted early as a peace offering for leaving you with another cliffie...But it's only a small offering.

Divine Intervention - Part 2



I scoop Jack off the ground and throw him in the car as Saxon picks himself up and dives at us. I summon what power I have left and hit him in the chest with a blast so pathetic it would have embarrasses me a few weeks ago. Now, I’m pretty proud of it. It knocks him back down to the ground, slowing him enough that we’re in the car before he picks himself up again. Remembering last time, I throw up a field around the car-probably not enough to keep him out, but it’s all I’ve got-and gun the engine.

But when I look back, there’s a bright flash of white light and someone is standing over Saxon. John? It has to be. But he looks different-smaller, somehow.

I breathe deep to slow my pounding heart. “Are you okay, Jack?”

“Yup,” he says, and when I glance at him, he doesn’t even look scared.

“You sure?”

He actually smiles. “Yup.” Then his head lolls back on the seat and he closes his eyes.

“Jack?” I nudge him.


“Oh, for the sin of Satan,” I mumble to myself.

Now what? I can’t take him back home like this-drunk and covered in mud. His parents will want to skin me alive. There’s my apartment…but it’s not safe. I need backup. So there’s really only one option. Hopefully he’ll beat us home.

When John opens his door and looks at Jack, wrapped in a blanket in my arms, his eyes widen and his mouth drops open. “He’s not…”

“He’s fine, don’t freak. He just doesn’t hold his beer very well.”

“I think you’re way past having to get him drunk.”

“Out of my way smart-ass.” I push past him into the family room.

“Watch the white…everything,” he says. “What did he do, mud wrestle?”

I lay him on the couch. “While that would be very entertaining, no. Can’t you just throw some holy water on him and clean him up?”

He smirks at me. “Some things do require a miracle. This, however, only requires a washing machine and some bleach. Take his clothes off and I’ll throw them in the machine.”

“I’m thinking the miracle is the better option. I’m finding these teenage hormones a force to be reckoned with.” I look at Jack and shake my head. “Truth is, they’re kicking my ass.”

His mouth curves into a smile far from angelic and his brow shoots up. “I’ll do it.” He bends over him and pulls of his muddy shoes. I shove him away roughly. “Wait in the kitchen.”

He shrugs and saunters off in that direction, wicked smile still in place. When he’s gone, I tug his shirt over his head and groan.

Damn, he’s hot. And he’s got a new nipple ring in place of the one he gave me. I have to try so hard to control my urges, it’s almost painful. What a waste!

Once his jeans are off, I quickly tuck the blanket around him and toss his clothes at John. I drop into the chair next to the couch and close my eyes, letting, resting my head back. When John comes back, he sits across from me.

“Thanks for the help,” I say looking at Jack. “I couldn’t have taken him home like this. His parents already think I’m the devil, and now that I’m not anymore, I’m hoping to prove them wrong.” I wave in Jack’s direction. “This won’t help my cause.”

“Is he supposed to go home tonight?” he asks.

“No. He’s supposed to stay at Owen’s.”

“We can let him sleep it off here, then.”

I swallow my pride. “Also…thanks for the help at the party tonight. I’m not the demon I used to be. There’s not much left in the old spark plugs.”

“What are you talking about?”

“At the party…Saxon, you know?”

“Wasn’t me, dude.”

“Whatever you say. But thanks.”

He shakes his head and smiles.

I gaze back at Jack’s sleeping form, so beautiful. “John?”


“His soul is sill clean, yeah? I haven’t…you know…tainted him or anything? I can’t tell for sure anymore.”

Concern passes over his face briefly before it clears and he answers, “They have no claim on him, if that’s what you mean. But I’m not sure how long that will last if he keeps hanging with you. You are a bad influence.”

“I’m sure I am. So, should I expect to be smote anytime soon? You know, the wrath of God and all that?”

A smile plays at his slips. “Unfortunately, no, but it would help if you backed off.”

I know he’s right. I’ve always known it, but… “I don’t seem to have any choice in the matter anymore. I can’t stay away from him.”

He smirks. “Yeah. I got that when you let me burn you alive with holy water.”

“Does that mean the Shield didn’t work on me?”

“Hard to say, really. Saxon and Lucy have been hanging around for a few weeks, like you say, I’m sure they’re following you.”

I look back at Jack, asleep on the couch. There has to be some way I can protect him.

“So maybe if we just disappeared-went somewhere else-he’d be safe?”

“Maybe. We won’t know unless you try. But you know as well as I do the real solution.”

“Tagging his soul for Heaven,” I say, resigned. “Why is it so important that he forgives himself?”

His face suddenly goes all angelic. “Forgiveness is the key to everything, Luc…” I stare hard at him. “…Ianto.”

“You celestials always make everything so hard.” I shift in my chair, sitting upright. “What would happen if Saxon just…killed him?” I feel something black and heavy tighten around my heart thinking about how close he’s already come.

“He’d go into Limbo with all the other untagged souls, and you know Michael would fast-track him to Heaven. Jack’s essence-his soul-is the key. As far as we’re concerned, he’s no less valuable in Heaven than on Earth.”

“That’s pretty much what I figured.” I’ve seen that essence, and I know he’s right. Dancing with it, blending it in mine…it was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. “I won’t let anything happen to him.”

I look at him, still sleeping. “I won’t let them have him,” I say, knowing them is me. But just for now, I slide onto the couch and lie next to him, wrapping my arms around him and holding on as if my life depends on it-because I’m pretty sure it does.

choices, jack/ianto, torchwood fic, au

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