Choices - Chapter 15 - Part 2

Sep 11, 2011 20:57

Title: Choices

Chapter 15 - Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2

Pairing(s)/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Owen, Tosh, John, OCs

Rating: NC17 (overall)

Warnings: supernatural themes, violence, m/m pairing

A/N: Part 2 is only a small offering but there will be a few parts posted this week. Enjoy.

15 - Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2




“I don’t think anything.”

He lifts his head and almost smiles.

I cringe. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I mean I don’t really care what you are, I guess. Or something like that. I really like you, but you need to talk to me. What don’t I know?”

He stands and takes my hand, pulling me off the bed and into his arms. I want to pull away but I don’t.

He blows a sigh into my hair and groans.

I lift my face and look at him. “You can tell me.”

But instead, he gazes at me intently with all kinds of promises in his eyes. Even though I know how stupid it is and I know beyond a doubt that he’s going to hurt me again, I lean into his kiss.

When I look back into his eyes, they’re still storming. “I haven’t been completely honest with you,” he says.

“No shit, Ianto.” I roll my eyes dramatically.

He backs away and stares out the window. “Satan save me, I haven’t been honest with you at all.”

“Tell me,” I plead, stepping toward him.

He heaves another sigh and sags back into my desk, like holding himself up is suddenly too hard. Then his eyes raise and lock with mine, and he looks sullen but determined. “Saxon, Lucy, me...,” he says slowly, as if every word hurts him, “we’re all from-”

“Jack.” Mom’s voice calls from downstairs. It scares the hell out of me. How did I not hear her come in?

I jump back from Ianto. “Yeah, mom.”

“Is that…Ianto’s car out front?” It’s like she even has trouble saying his name.

A nervous grimace dances across Ianto’s face.

“Yeah, Mom.”

Her voice shoots up an octave, and I hear her feet hurry up the stairs as if she’s going to catch us at it or something. “Is he up there?”

“Yeah,” I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the door. She’s at the top of the stairs, her eyes wide, when we step into the hall.

“Hey. We were just working on our Calculus homework,” I say, dropping his hand.

“Oh.” She’s all but glaring at Ianto. “Wouldn’t you have more room at the kitchen table?”

“No, Mom, we wouldn’t.” I glare at her incredulously. She all but pushed John up the stairs. What is it with the attitude toward Ianto?

Just then a door slams and Grandpa’s sandpaper voice bellows through the house. “Hey! Whose Shelby’s parked out front?”

My heart soars. “Grandpa!” I shout just as he appears at the base of the stairs. His blue eyes smile up at us.

“That would be mine, sir,” Ianto says.

“Restored or original?”

“All original.”

Mom steps aside and lets Ianto pass by her. He nods and smiles-a soft, reassuring smile-as he passes.

“Who does your maintenance?” Grandpa asks as Ianto makes his way down the stairs.

“I do.”

“She’s a beauty,” he says, slapping Ianto on the back. “Mind if I take a look under the hood?”

“No problem.” Ianto shoots me a concerned glare and then heads out the front door with Grandpa.

“Why was he here?” Mom hisses. “We were clear. You’re not to see him-especially not alone.”

“No it’s not clear. You never said I couldn’t see him. I don’t know what your deal is with him, but I wish you would back off his case. He’s been nothing but polite to you and dad and all you can do is glare at him and make him feel uncomfortable.”

“Jack, we have discussed this. Let me be perfectly clear. You are not going to date that boy.”

This is unbelievable. “It’s not like we were shagging or anything. You’re being so ridiculous.”

And you’re also too late. Well, we’re not shagging...yet.

“Jack!” Mom hisses. But I just walk away and back into my room, closing the door in her face.

I look out my window as Ianto lifts the hood of his car and he and Grandpa duck under it.

What’s his deal? Saxon, Lucy, me, we’re all from…? What? What could be that bad? We’re all from jail? The loony bin?


Outer space? The future?

I lean my elbows in the windowsill and watch him with Grandpa. Could he say anything that would change how I feel when I’m with him? I don’t think so. And besides, he’s not the only one with secrets. God knows I’ve got some.

Like John. Who I kissed. Who I’d kiss again.

I groan. What the hell am I doing?

Ianto looks up at me from the street and I buzz all over.

Saxon, Lucy, me, we’re all from…

I know nothing about him or about John. They both came all out of nowhere and totally turned me inside out. Why can’t I stop thinking about them?

Saxon, Lucy, me, we’re all from…

I’m not going to sleep well tonight. I can tell already.




“You’re killin’ me. This is a classic. How many miles?”

“Only about thirty thousand,” I answer.

He leans in to get a better look. “Holy Jesus. This baby’s worth some serious cash. All original-and looks new. How long have ya owned her?”

“Bought it new.”

He lifts his eyes from the engine block and laughs out loud. “She was built before you were, son.”

Oh yeah. “I meant my grandfather. He bought it in ’68.”

He nods to the ’65 convertible in the driveway. “Jack could help ya with the maintenance. He’s the best vintage Mustang mechanic I know.”

I glance up at his window and smile when I see him watching us. My need to be with him, to touch him, almost knocks me over. Satan save me, I can’t stand being tis far from him. I force my eyes away from him, back to his grandfather.

“Really. That’s something he didn’t share.”

He looks at me, all humour gone from his face. “I hope that’s not all he’s not sharing’.”

I draw a deep breath and look him in the eye. “Jack is special. I’m not taking any chances with him, sir.” Except almost letting Saxon suck out his soul and trying to drag him into the Abyss. But other than that…

“He is special. Too good for any of you,” he says, gesturing vaguely in my direction with an elbow. And he has is no idea how right he is. “Treat him right.” He lifts his eyes to his window and back.

“You’re right. He’s much too good for me. I’ve tried to tell him that.”

He smiles. “But he won’t listen. He’s a stubborn one. Just like his grandma.”

“I won’t let anything happen to him,” I say.

He stares hard into my eyes. “I’ll hold you to that, son. And if it does, ya know who I’m coming after.”

“Yes, sir.”

Then he takes me completely by surprise. “Do ya love him?”

I just stare at him for a long second. Something sharp twists in my gut, and I look up at Jack in the window. As hard as I’ve tried to deny it, or at least convince myself that it didn’t matter, I know it as surely as I know I’m going to the Fiery Pit because of it. “Yes, sir. I do.”

“Have you told him?”

“No, sir.”

“When were ay plannin’ on getting’ around to that?”

“Soon,” I say with a smile.

He smiles back. “Good.”

choices, jack/ianto, torhcwood fic, au

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