i reckon when i was asleep between 1-5 just now, a vicious bug snuck into my mouth to bite my gums and then decided to cannonball into my throat and stay there. my gums are aching like a bitch! and when i look down, my throat/chest area contracts with some throbbing pain. to make it worse, that godforsaken insect is
making me sneeze.
what i looked/look like when i just wake up. cranky and grumpy, still. ESPECIALLY NOW WITH THAT INSECT IN MY THROAT. but at least i got over the stage when i used to wake up with a frown on my face and go down the stairs cursing "Mama babi, Baba babi. musibat.. semua babi musibat." from when i was 4 years old to about 8? can't remember. HAHA what a bloody brat i was ee. vulgar pulak tu. hmmm actually, i kinda look like kak hanis when she's merajuking.
okay i really hope the bug is at least dead in my throat...