The calm before the storm

May 27, 2009 02:25

1. Name five LJ friends that you don't know in real life and have never met in real life.
2. Say a bunch of good things about them.
3. Tag each of them to do the same.

1. snow_berrie My little sister from another mother, I haven't known you for long, but we have SO much in common! Here's to many more years of our friendship. And I should move to Canada because Texas is too hot for me to handle anymore LOL ;;;;;

2. teafish You crazy girl, you, I wish we lived in the same city so we could go karaoke some Perfume and shit and fawn over Zachary Quinto together. I don't know if I've ever told you, or at least I know I don't say it enough, but I really admire your art. I wish I could see more so I could fangirl over it more. When you open a gallery/showing, I'm flying up there to go see it!

3. flaming_toaster We go way back from the days of Sheroes, and I'm so glad that we've stayed great friends since then! You always give me great advice whenever I'm feeling down or confused, and I truly appreciate it. I hope you're not stressing out too much, and I wish you good luck with school and such.

4. pukakalain My favorite Korean in the world, I really wish that you lived near me so we could go to concerts together and be awesome Twinkies (? ROFL) that we are. I really admire you for doing so well in school; I wish that I were in the same place as you! I hope that everything is okay with school and health-related things, and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you!

5. sweetnoodlepop You're one of the sweetest and smartest girls I've ever known! You're really down to earth, and you always give me amazing advice and tidbits about life that really help me. I can't thank you enough! If any boy makes you mad, let me know, and I'll kick his ass. Because I'm boss like that.

A bunny picture.

So I'm pretty sure my iPod is on its way to being busted. A few months ago, I was walking on campus, listening to my iPod, when I noticed that one side of my headphones was broken. So I switch my headphones with the ones I had in my car. Also broken on one side. Then I went home and tried my SWIMMER headphones. Also broken on one side. It would devastate me if my SWIMMER headphones were broken because I hardly ever use them, so I tried playing my iPod in my mother's car with the AUX jack, and sure enough... Only one side of the speakers played. Then I slammed my iPod really hard against the car door, and it started working again for a little bit, then it went back to being broken on one side. It seems to work if I apply pressure on my iPod, but... That's so irritating.

Well, Mokochin, we had a nice run of two and a half years. Time for a new iPod.

First my DS, now my iPod :[ And I need a PSP to play Birth by Sleep. And PS3 to play the new Katamari game. FML. Oh, and over $350 if I want all three of those damn AP Pullip dolls. Seriously, FML.

meme, photos

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