Falling water

Feb 07, 2007 02:04

1. Conceived Sorrow
2. Lie Buried With a Vengenance
3. The Fatal Believer
4. Agitated Screams of Maggots
5. Grief
6. 凌辱の雨 (ryoujoku no ame)
7. Disabled Complexes
8. Rotting Root
9. 艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み (namamekashiki ansoku, tamerai ni hohoemi)
10. The Pledge
11. Repetition of Hatred
12. The Deeper Vileness
13. Clever Sleazoid

I don't know... I'm kind of bored with Dir en grey's newest album .__.;

In case you don't remember (HA HA), I went through this whole Dir en grey phase years ago. I didn't really care about their change to not-so-VK. In fact, I really, really loved "VULGAR," but I had to listen to "Withering to death." a couple of times before I started to like it. I hope that's the case with "A Marrow of a Bone" because although I don't mind screaming and endless guitar riffs, I can only take so much before I say, "Uhhh where's the music?"

But I think that the album gets better as you listen to the later tracks. (I especially like "namamekashiki ansoku, tamerai ni hohoemi" and "The Pledge!" Especially "The Pledge.")

Speaking of Dir en grey, they'll be performing in Dallas in a little less than two weeks. But I don't quite feel like sacrificing thirty (plus) dollars of my lousy paycheck to stand amidst a sea of poorly dressed teenage girls with their boyfriends on leashes, screaming, "AISHITERU KYO~," especially if they won't performing anything from the VULGAR era.

But that's just me.


dir en grey

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