Jan 25, 2005 03:51
how do i put it iv now changed the way i see things there is more depth to the world then there use to be its very strange and probably hard to believe but its true i see everything reseeding more drastically then i did before and buildings well have a strange new look to them everything is more i donno over noticeable now in a way like in a movie when they zoom out really far really fast i think of everything in the way it is in a painting now too i follow it to the vanishing point its like me getting over obsessed with all this geometry in art has made me look at the world differently
so this make me wonder about alchemy now that probably doesn't make sense but i want to understand every little bit of the of everything with a better understanding of something you can look at it in a new better way or maybe IM just crazy and it over exaggerates things in my head but either way it will give me the desired effect i love design two because its the color equivalent to the geometry stuff and now the best class iv had at nova yet and iv only had two classes but yeah back to the point does anyone know anything about alchemy how much success in things did they reach i learned today also that bosch was very into alchemy and for his time he had a (in my opion) a greater grasp on things the world held in a sence. but there must be something to learn from alchemy to many people devoted there life's to it to not have any thing occur from it or maybe its just chemistry back in the day or maybe it was just a big thing of greed and all they wanted was to be rich so they spent forever just looking for a way to make gold and live up to the stero type well anyway who knows anything about alchemy id read that book but i dot think thats whats its really about but i should read it anyway it sounds but im so bad with englsih damn all my dyslexia and stuff i hate not being able to read easily