
Jun 01, 2009 20:24

Ganked from [info]splott

1. Do you like bleu cheese?

Umm it is cheese so no,

2. Have you ever been drunk?

yup, even Sutped drunk

3. Do you own a gun?


4. What do you like to do on weekends?

having fun is Good!

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?

Not before I read the question, Should I be?

6. What do you think of hot dogs?

There quick

7. Favorite Christmas movie?

Lethal Weapon, it is too a Christmas move!

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

Coffee,Pop Or wine.

9. Can you do push ups?

Yes, Unless you mean the bras.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?

That I own? Either, A Ring with a Black stone that has a picture on it or
A Tigers eye Ring my grandfather carved.

11. Favorite hobby?

Martial Arts.

12. Favorite novel?

At the moment?
Illusions (R. Bach) or The Little Country (C. deLint)
This changes By the hour

13. What's your favorite shoe?

My boots From Turtle Island (They actually fit me!)

14. What is your middle name?


15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?

Blue eyes sparkle, Green eye embrace, Brown eyes Comfort your soul.

Space & Time are Variable according to Physics therefor if we do come up with a universals equations what would be the constants?

A box in space is such a cool Idea for a house!

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink.

Coffee, diet Mountain Dew, Tullamore Dew

17. Current worry?

Car, and Kids

18. Current hate right now?

People thinking they understand when they do not.

20. How did you bring in the New Year?


21. Where would you like to go?

Everywhere & then some.

22. Name three people who will complete this:


23. Do you own slippers?

nope Dog ate them.

24. What color shirt are you wearing right now?


25. Do you like sleeping on Satin sheets?

Nah, I would rather go for Silk (ok never tried silk but they sound fun).

26. Can you whistle?


27. Favorite colors?
Red, Green, Purple and Others.

28. Would you be a pirate?


29. What songs do you sing in the shower?

Avie Marria, And others .

30. Favorite Girl's Names?

Preferably, starting with Hard sound ending in a soft Vowel

31. Favorite boy's names?

Reverse above.

32. What's in your pocket right now?

Change, Keys, a Bag of stones, a carved wooden box, wallet Swiss Army knife, a Cell phone and a 50 Platinum Piece & lint

33. Last thing that made you laugh?

not sure

34. Favorite summer activities?

SCA, Fighting (I miss SCA I need to go more)

35. Worst injury you've ever had?

Medically worst I think was when I was 2 or so, I was on the back of my moms bike and my foot got caught in the spoaks and sort of made a mess of My foot. One of the few scars I still have

36. Do you love where you live?

The apartment I could, The Town Madison Yes, The state is OK, The country is the best there is. the world I do not have a good Comparison.

37. Who is your loudest friend?


39. How many dogs do you have?

None that live with me.

40. Does someone have a crush on you?


41. What is something you are really looking forward to?

Geek Kon.

42. What is one thing you do several times a week?


43. What song do you want sung at your Funeral?

"Last hero"

don't know the name but the line is
"I would Rather die in a hurricane then to never see the storm"

44. Name something or someone you love.

"Love is magic : Magic is Life : Life is Love"
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