Somwhere between here and there

Jun 19, 2009 17:32


Yeah, yeah. I know...I don't call, I don't write...I don't even post art anymore. I'm a bad person.

Well, bad at social networking, maybe. I didn't quite go away, I've still been around various social networking sites. Lurking. Reading! But not so much with the posting/updating. Some of this is that I'm lazy (not new news, that) and some of this is simply computer issues. I'm using my laptop for the internet these days, until I get a hold of a Win XP Pro CD or suck it up and buy one. I'm grateful to have the laptop....but it makes me extra lazy about internet things. (P.S. aerrin, your old Gateway Solo says "hi").

The other thing is...I don't really have much to say. The amount of time I spend of things has stayed about the same. Most of my High School days where spent in school (surprise) and the rest of my time taken up by art projects and Roleplaying (and those weren't mutually exclusive). The amount of time I spent at my College was about the same as High School. Only over the course of four years art projects took all my time away from Roleplaying (College pretty much ate my free time) and whatever time was left over was spent with classmates, still. Now? As High School was replaced with College, College was replaced with my job (my job doesn't get capitalized, it doesn't deserve the honors). Not-job time has become playing World of Warcraft and personal/professional art projects.

Now, I've stopped posting artwork...but that doesn't actually mean I've stopped /working/. In fact, this weekend I'm hoping to finish my very first comic issue. This took a /lot/ longer to get even a little off the ground. It's been in progress for about a year now, and the actual book took about 5 months to complete. (5 months, by the way, is way too long to spend on this. Team-made comics are made monthly, and David "I do it all myself" Mack usually takes 2-3 months). So, hopefully I'll find a way to shorten the time this takes...or I'll be doing this for the next 6 years. And I tell you...I don't have that long of an attention span.

I will be sure to say something when the first issue is "done". I use quotation marks, because I'm sure I'll go get some feedback and make some adjustments. I probably won't be posting more than a snippet online, but I'll be passing around 'beta' copies to anyone interested.

In totally unrelated news, it's effing hot here. And I'm ok with that. Down with winter!

And in slightly less, but /still/ unrelated news, my Mourning Dove has new baby birds again. They are v.tiny. Like, the size of my thumb. And right next to me. I should probably endeavor to take pictures sometime, because it's a bit surreal. Currently, it's mealtime for the birdies.

Uhm, as soon as I get my computer back up and running...I will be posting a celebratory image! Until then...WORD.
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