Jul 30, 2006 03:18
"Hey Shorty, you wanna make a coupla bucks? Come down to 43rd and 3rd, I got a job for ya!"
This is a voicemail my dad got at 3am. Apparently my dad's phone number card was robbed and sold to some pimp named shorty. He's been getting these phone calls over the past couple of days but only today in the morning did he mention. I imagine that at first the calls were amusing so he kept them for the sake of having them. But once they started keeping him up at night they got annoying, so he got to changing his number. Shorty the pimp could keep his new phone number. Apparently he ate up all of my dads minutes.
Today was a day much like any other with the exception of my parents being around for most of the day. I ate a croissantwich for breakfast and some black coffee. This was good because i fell asleep at around 4 and was woken up at 11, which I was not ready for. Some coffee jolted me up. My sister planned her flight plans for Italy(she's going in January) and I fed and wet the dogs. Dogs have no sweat glands, so during the summer it's good to spray water on a dog, much to their dismay, to keep them cool.
I left the house finally, but I promised my mom I would cut my hair tomorrow. I mean, I like it long, but at the same time I want a new look. I want short hair, but it never looks good that way. I need to find a style I'm comfortable with. My head doesn't really follow with hollywood stars so I have to plan accordingly. I like my eyebrows though, they are shaped and placed in the right place.
Went to Target because my parents were going to a birthday shower, and I wanted a new book to read, to kill the dead time around the house. Target was funny. So many appliances, so much ugly clothes. For men at least, the women's section, as are most big box stores, are decently stocked in the female department. I just want white shirts and some not so baggy jeans and that's it. I spent my time just walking around the Target practically blind looking for something to catch my eye. I was in a weird mood, just not enough sleep. Plus since I don't really drink anything with Caffeine anymore(I stopped drinking soda about a little over a year ago) Coffee, especially black, gets me really wired.
My Cousin was there also! She told me to switch contact lens solutions because I had been using Renu's which caused fungus. She told me to go in to her optical to get set up with a new pair of glasses. I like my cousin, and I wish we were closer, but just the way that I was raised placed a psychological block on how I socialize with my cousin. She knows I do crazy things and she'd sure like to hear more of it and want me to be more real about myself, but there's this balance that I have to hold with my parents(mom especially) so they(mom) won't pass out. Soon Soon.
Before I bought my book, I decided that a good way to pass the time while on the computer was to pull out my trumpet mouthpiece. Every 20 minutes or so that I'm sitting around typing away or sitting idly reading something, I'll take my mouthpiece and toot on it for a few minutes. The tooting every day will build the muscles in my lips I used to have when I played Tuba and make me more comfortable playing trumpet when I leave for school. Right now I would sound terrible because it's a shitty trumpet to begin with, and one I haven't played in years. But I figure this is a good way to get myself back into it, and be productive.
The book I bought was Lewis and Clarks Diaries. I've been really into native americans, exploration, americana and just travel in general. Not as knee-jerk what-a-typical-teenage-book kind of thing like On the Road(which is, whatever, haven't read in a while) and deals with a different concept of exploration. Road trips are cool, but deep down inside I'm an environmentalist. I don't drive and I would really never want to but I'm being forced into it, I live for forests, mountains, plains deer Bison all that! The interactions between western Lewis and Clark with the Sioux is also interesting considering that they were trying to develop amicable diplomatic relations and considered them equals, while they had a black slave who did the whole expedition along with them and was considered just a slave. I can't wait to finish all of it. In reading the first 50 pages today, Lewis and Clark brought along with them 5 wooden kegs of Whiskey to last them a few years, and the bulk of their costs were on gifts to the Indians. I thought that was interesting. In summary, America's cool.
I went out with Beth tonight and we saw Mike V, Creamer, and company. It was nice to see them and be chillin outside. It put me in a Springsteen sort of mood after I left.
Hope today will be good. I may have a haircut and glasses. I may run depending on how I feel. My legs aren't as sore as yesterday, though when walking i have some sore shocks that run though my leg. But we'll see, I'm day to day.
So long!