Apr 17, 2006 23:58
I kind of feel like shagging fly balls right now. It's dark out, 11:49PM eastern standard time, so that sort of thing would be impossible under these lights. I mean, I constantly think about the lights at this school when it gets dark out. Granted, the night sky is perfectly clear and free of the light pollution that happens in NYC, but now I'm a synthetic productive type of person, and I wouldn't mind the extra lighting. From that weird almost orange color, amber i guess it would be, that lights purchase. I mean, I wouldn't mind a few real bright bright lights towards the path where the quad leads you through the buildings, along with some dark reddish tints to the lights towards outback. It would break up the colors at night, giving it more of a darker nicer air. All i see is brick after brick after brick. But I don't really mind it too terribly. When i was waiting outside the dining hall i kept looking at the side of the diding hall, before the entrance. You know, where the trashcan is and the phone and the light. I was just looking at it for a long time, for no real reason other than the fact that it wasn't brown. Well, the cigarette disposer was a brown hint, but I think it went well. Who doesn't like the brown? I like it. I am made of it. I got some candies for easter. They were pretty good, A lot of chocolates, a few candies. If there's something I enjoy in moderation, it's chocolates. One of the complaints that I have when i go home is that despite the fact that there are a lot of snacks(potato chips, tortillas, various cheeses and juices) but there is never a nice block of dark chocolate. Now, I'm no expert in the sciences, but I hear that chocolate is supposed to elevate your mood. I also hear that it makes your stomach hurt. The absolute trade off of the cost of getting a stomach ache is less than the serotonin and all that other brain nonsense that shoots off after eating a chocolate, which I would imagine is quite an excessive happiness because I really don't like stomach aches in any manner. Chocolate milk, I don't really like. I'm lactose intolerant after all.
When I play with my dogs, I like them but i think about the fact that if you feed a dog chocolate you could kill them. I guess that's why they like cheese so much. When the Europeans knew of nothing but the "world" cheese was all the rage. All different kinds, different shapes and sizes. I love cheese, despite being lactose intolerant. But When they decided to head over to the new territories they found this chocolate that the indians smoked, and they were like, oh shit man, this chocolate, if you eat it, it's pretty damn tasty. Apparently the king and queen of spain would ingest so much chocolate after they brought it back to Spain that they would have intense stomach aches. Now, too much of a good thing is a bad thing, so the europeans inability to handle chocolate is concurrent and parallel with my inability to consume large amount of cheeses. I guess it's better that way though, I wouldn't want to stuff my face with brie every single day, I think I might just hating myself.