Sep 11, 2006 17:17
I don't want to wallow in memories. Yes, it is too bad that all those people died five years ago. But many more died in the tsuinami. And in the terrorist wars. And from not having access to health care. And from taking stupid risks while driving. Etcetera.
I'm not intending to be mean or cruel or unsympathetic. But people die. Anything that is ever alive dies. Just because it was a bunch of Americans doesn't make it any more special or tragic than any other death.
At least GWB had the sense to keep his mouth shut at the memorial. That was one thing I didn't want to hear--that poor excuse of a leader using today to spout his meaningless political hack BS.
First noble truth from the Buddha: Life is suffering.
Many people don't understand how we can take comfort in that. But I do. And today, that's all I can say about it.