Fan-girl-ing v. 1. the act of being a fangirl 2. engaging in highly sophomoric conversations regarding the object, generally a celebrity, of one's desire.
I know that
catsplay has written about this at length regarding the Alan Rickman fan community, but I wanted to add my own thoughts, consisting of a more personal nature, to the dialogue.
Why is it that we fangirl? And I won't deny it, while my posts generally consist of full sentences and proper grammar, I fangirl in my own way. Is it obsession? Addiction? Or harmless fun? Sometimes I think there are those who go off the deep end in their endless pursuit of "squee." Perhaps they delve a little too deeply into someone's private life. Or perhaps they let their fantasy get the better of them and share scenarios that were rather best left to dwell in their minds.
Who are these people? When you hear fangirl, you probably think American girl aged 12-16. I'd say you're mostly right. But then, I'm not in that category. I'm 21, hardly in the realm of pre-pubescent male idolatry. I understand the teenagers, but why do we (the older ones, I mean) do it? I'm sure those on the outside would probably say we're all social lepers, unable to engage in true, real life and meaningful relationships. Or that we're just dorks. Which I may be, but I'm not a D&D playing social leper, damnit. I've got a job and one that when people hear I have it, they think it makes me cool, whatever that may entail. I don't think it makes me cool, I think it helps me pay my insurance. I'm also about to graduate from college, I'm going to be a history teacher in about 2 years. I'm moving to London. I know people.
So why in the bloody hell do I do it? That may be the question I've been leading up to all along. It's not like I've got ample free time on my hands, here. Why do I use what little free time I have to obsess over people I've never met, likely never will meet and if I did meet them I'd probably...well...act like a fangirl? Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps it's an escape, an outlet through which nothing pertaining to reality need pass. Or maybe I am just an embittered 21 year old woman, grasping at the last shattered pieces of her youth. Desperately clinging to childish things in order to delay becoming an adult.
Or maybe I just like to and I need no more explanation than that, asshole.