Dear Journal,

May 05, 2014 20:14

My dear. My darling. Charlotte you are going to be ok. Charlotte, oh god Charlotte I wish I could hold your hand right now and tell you that everything you hate about yourself are going to be the things that make you happiest some day. Some day you will be so focused on being happy and getting over all these anxieties that you will love the things that make you feel this deeply. You will be loved for your feelings and for your ability to overcome them. Charlotte, 10 years from now you will be engaged, not to Nick, but to the last boy you wrote about here in 2011. In 10 years you will still really like the Chocolat soundtrack. You will still get a little heart flutter when you listen to Tonight, Not Again by Jason Mraz.

And you will really regret all the time you spent finishing Moby Dick. It's terrible.

Charlotte, age 27
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