I am so amazingly generous to my flist.
Here's some scans 4 U. They are kinda big, fair warning, but I scaled them down 35% from their original scan size. I'm not some graphics guru, so I'm not sure if you'd consider them HQ or MQ or what. I can provide the ginormous .bmp files I started with to anybody who wants to tinker with them some more.
Hey, have some previews.
All I can say about this is GUUUUUGGGHHRFFGH. This is actually two fold-out pages, with a big four-page spread inside. You can take the two pages and push them together and make the Doctor and Master snog. CAUSE THAT'S WHAT MATURE, RATIONAL PEOPLE DO. I keep thinking Baby!Master should be saying "Turn to page 23 before I THROW UP!" because he's so icked out by the man-kissing. "THETA COOTIES! YEEEECH!"
The inside of the pages above. Meh, this one was a bitch to work with and didn't turn out as seamless as some others, but it's still GUHHHH-worthy.
My favorite, my favorite, my favorite. I had to piece this together with several scans. Came out pretty good, but anyone who wants to is certainly welcome to clean it up some more (looking at you,
snowgrouse). Both pages available individually in my gallery.
Didn't bother pasting these two pages together. But I love Comics!Master's expressions, especially in #10.
HEEE, cartoon villians. Fun fun fun!
YAAAAAAAY! My Master sex roleplay can finally be complete! Hopefully this will work as a printout for everybody.
snowgrouse has posted
some gorgeous clean-ups of the Master in the DWA Villains poster! Go now and worship at the altar of Timecock! Thanks, Grousey.