Apr 06, 2011 23:48
What does it mean to be a proud Filipino? How do I become a proud Filipino citizen? Seriously, do tell. I really don't know how to be a proud Filipino. All I know is I'm Filipino and (I think) I'm good at being one. I neither take pride nor renounce my nationality. If you ask me this Filipino pride fad is nothing but a farce to show the whole world that we exist. Imagine yourself to be another nationality for a while. What comes to mind when you see a Filipino pride statement shirt or anything neon that spells "Filipino"? The worst that could happen is to ignore that Filipino pride wearing person. At least a hater notices you and tells you what's wrong with you or, in this case, with the country. You can show how proud you are to the hater and other spectators, and at least non-Filipinos know your country actually exists somewhere in this planet. But trust me, haters on the internet DON'T really give a hoot about The Philippines. Most of the time they're just trolls and most Filipino netizens dance to their tune. It is INUTILE to ask "why do you hate us that much?" or "why did you say that mean thing?" or simply "p*tang ina." I plead you, STOP IT (especially those who blurt out those classy words). It's just a waste of adrenaline. Save it for a (radioactive) Ondoy-like rainy day. STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS! STOP! Just go on being a normal Filipino citizen.
Don't get me wrong about our OFW. They keep our country afloat. Kudos to you guys! Going back. What else do we have to give to the world outside of boxing, singing, and OFW? We are not known for scientific breakthroughs, inventions, mass production, or anything the G to the nth power countries have to offer. Our OFW do not work for other countries to benefit local or world economy. Their primary goal is to help their families. On the one hand, we do give out smiles, help which would make them happier and us more tired (buhay kalabaw?), and entertainment to the world. On the other, again, imagine the world without our people. See it now? I'm sure some nationalities would cringe at the thought of not having helpers, skill workers, nurses, etc. But the point is the world will still keep on turning. The whiter and richer masters will always find ways to keep their country going, and as time passes they would have adjusted and we would be but a memory. Sad, no? Not really, because, as I have said before, the world will be teeming with Filipinos and Filipino pride in 50 years. Here's to world domination, but, please, leave your overflowing pride at the door.
Filipino pride is as hollow as an empty tulya. It's nothing but lip service. They say we're hospitable, respectful, resilient, prayerful and name whatever Filipino trait (does attaching "Filipino" to the word trait mean they're solely ours?). Thailand is a very hospitable country. In fact, they're also called "Land of Smiles" now. How dare they steal our moniker? If you want to see true blue Asian respect then look no further than the East Asian countries. We're prayerful you say? Yes and no...(and I trail off there). The Buddhists got the balance right. If you want resilience then you have Japan as the epitome of the trait (note the Armageddon scene they're currently going through). If it were to happen to us, the first predictable Filipino thing to do, other than panic, is whine. "But Japan can handle it! They are rich! They have the means! blahblahblah" You think that nuclear disaster is something even a First World country could handle? Nuclear is beyond human control and nature. Downscale it to our standards and it would equal a typhoon and earthquake happening at the same time. As Cong. Golez said, "The earthquake turned Japan into a country of winners not a country of whiners."
See, we are God's spoiled brats. We feel too entitled to have these disasters happen to us. WHY? WHY? WHY? Don't blame it on God or mother nature. Mother nature is neutral. She's just doing her own thing. God only programed the earth to be what it is today and that's to be alive and kickin' however that may be. He may or may not know what happens... I don't know (mind boggling ends here). As I've read on CNN (or something like it), people should concentrate on the "How" rather than the "Why." We know it's already part of Japanese culture to also "keep calm and carry on," but they are still as human as us Filipinos. We could go beyond our whine-y (sometimes) bordering barbaric Filipino-ness and look up to Japan as an example of grace under pressure. These traits we learned from grade school are not endemic to The Philippines, and other countries are even better at personifying them. WE ARE NOT SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES. See? If I were some other nationality I wouldn't be typing this right now. The day I stop whining about us and our country would be the day that I can truly say I'm a proud Filipino with my right hand resting on my chest while waving the Filipino flag with the left.
Our pride is only as shallow as Pacquiao's punch and as strong as Pempenco's voice... Okay, he can punch like no one's business, and her voice can bring almost all of America to tears but that's my point. Their performance doesn't carry over to the whole country. All the spectators know is these entertainers are there for them. They don't know that Pacquiao "carries the Filipino dreams" into the ring. He wins. Then? It's back to reality. He's been doing that for a decade, but it does nothing to raise our image in the international stage. The Philippines is still the caricature of poverty, corruption, terrorism, sex industry, (as of late) drugs, and other things that deter non-Filipinos. The only thing I could take pride of is the country's diverse flora and fauna. But again, that's still skin deep. 98% of the world would ask, "why should we care about your trees and stuff? We have lots of trees and stuff, too."
There are worse countries in the world, and I am grateful that I am here today. Isn't it high time to up the ante a bit? I don't know how to give a follow through statement for this. (I think it's rhetorical anyway.)
So, what can we be TRULY proud of? *cricket chirp*
One thing that I think... I THINK the country can be proud of is its heart that is determined to be filled with true red, blue, and yellow Filipino pride. Be a Juan that is not pompous or full of yourself. Back up your words with real actions. You don't have to shout to the world "FILIPINO!" every time. Go beyond what is expected of the regular Filipino without looking to the international stage for a pat on the back every minute. Most of the world know we are here, but no one gives a damn, but until that day just make our freedom fighters of yore smile and say, "I'm proud I fought for these people." Until that day, I will try to go beyond Filipino whining and do. And please, let's do our part in clearing up Filipino time... the only endemic trait that is not really to be proud of.
whew... that was long. there! then hopefully i won't have anything to rant for a while.
filipino pride