
Nov 22, 2008 19:54

Funny how bad I am at actually posting daily, eh?
So there was a shooting yesterday at Willowbrook Mall, robbery then shooting.  Crazy, right? Well today there was also a Willowbrook Mall...very close to the same location...comforting, no? I might be forced to the new development to do my shopping simply out of fear :|.

I found out that a certain work creeper has a wife...and a gun...and has shot someone...apparently he was being robbed but the fact that he carries a gun is kinda freaky.  And the wife thing is creepy too.  I kinda suspected but hearing it for sure is just...ew.

I really like this other guy that I work with and at times I really think I stand a chance but then I just don't know.  It's too bad though cause we get along really well and I think we're quite compatible.  Other then my bitchy (16 year old -.-) friend saying that he's ' too cool' for me...It was funny.

Canadian Tire pisses me off.  People are obnoxious and returns are going to be insane now until after the New Year.  I want to quit.  My newish supervisor has fired three people in the last 2 weeks and it's kind of freaking me out.  I feel like I have to suck up to her.  The other thing that sucks about it is that we really can't afford to have her fire these people cause it just hurts the rest of us.  I get yelled at constantly, it's actually unusual to go a full day at returns and not get yelled at.  They actually had to put up signs saying that yelling and disrespecting staff will not be tolerated.  It's really disgusting.  I'm already resenting most people who do their Christmas decoration shopping there (which I have done forever :|) and really just want the store to shut down.  Oh, and here's a stupid one for you, they are going to have a huge boxing day sale AND allow returns on that day!!! Who deos that? It's ridiculous.  Oh and hours change as of next week, we start opening at 7, and that lasts till the end of the season. And next weekend is a big 3 day sale for Christmas as well.  While I'm telling you LJ folk about this I expect that none of you will come to the Langley store so advertising it here is fine...for me.  Sucky for the other stores! :P.

Otherwise I am feeling super lonely these days.  I think it's a winter/Christmas/it-gets-dark-early kinda lonely.  It's okay though, I cuddle with my friend's cat in front of the fire now again which makes me feel a little better...

ETA: I just noticed that I haven't posted with a happy emoticon in a LOOONG time.  I will be sure to do this the next time. :)
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