Stolen from
IMDB keyword meme
1. Go to and look up a bunch of your favorite movies.
2. Post three or four official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for each.
3. Guess the movies! No Googling!
(One is a tv movie)
(I've been told it's a bit tough, I'll add a few more!)
1. Father/Daughter Relationship, Concert Corruption, Invitations, rose, mirror, secret door
2. Drunk, Book, Cat , Librarian, Undead
3. Group, Suffering, Melodrama, Alliance, Wizard
4. Stylized, Corruption, Graphic violence
ladybrock5. Stylized, Town, Dismemberment, Pumpkin, Horse
6. Bumper car, Random Sex, Beach, Everlasting love, House restoration,
7. Severed head, Nudity, Axe murder, Forbidden love, Ireland
8. Historical, Undressing Scene, Invasion, Archery, fall through Ice
9. Sex scene, Breasts, Remake, Civil War
10. Wounded, Gasoline, Graphic violence, Botched crime, Shootout, Code Name
Not necessarily my favourite movies but definitely in my top.