Old Posting

May 05, 2009 01:40

So it's already midterms which means I'm already half-way through my study abroad experience. That's kind of weird to think about.

So, what have I been up to lately?

Well last weekend we went to Hakone on a school field trip. It was so much fun! We got a pretty good view of Mt. Fuji and we went to the Hakone Checkpoint (which had a cameo in Samurai Champloo). But really, the best part was that we spent the night in a traditional ryokan (old-style Japanese hotel) which had an onsen. Onsens are Japanese hot-springs that you use for bathing. The water was so hot I initially had a problem getting in but it was soooo relaxing. I'm serious when I say it was worth the 14 hour flight just to go in the onsen. I went in three times, once before dinner, once after dinner and the next morning.

While at the onsen we also got to wear this really cool yukata.
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