So you're checking out madamemonday's journal.

Mar 18, 2008 15:37

You saw me in a community we have in common and wanted to see what I was all about.

Well, I'll give you a brief rundown of the basics. My name is Casi, I'm closer to 30 than 20, and I'm the wife of a National Guardsman with a son born in October 2003 and a daughter born in July 2008. We live in a small town about 30 mins west of Nashville, TN.

I don't do well with people on the whole. I've hermity and reticent and thanks to some bad experiences, very mistrustful of people overall. However, if you're still determined to get to know me, leave a comment and I'll consider it.

So tell me about what you like and don't like.

Yeah, this should be on my profile, but I don't feel like sticking it there.

First and foremost, I'm a knitter. I first tried my hand at it in November 2004, put it down for awhile, then picked back up again in fall 2007. After another short hiatus (too sick to knit while pregnant), I started knitting with any sort of seriousness in the fall of 2008. That was about the time I finally figured out how to use double-pointed needles and it opened up a whole world of possibilities. :) I have an obsession with sock knitting, though lace is a very close second. I also picked up spinning in May 2011 and I rock an Ashford Traveller spinning wheel.

Along with knitting, I like to consider myself a semi-decent seamstress. I'm no master by any means, but I do have a bit of a fabric stash (not anything nearly as large as my yarn stash though!) and do break out my sewing machine every so often when I need something fresh to do.

When I'm taking a break from being crafty, I can usually be found with a book in hand. I'm a huge bookworm, but I'm picky about what I read. Like I'll happily read a Tom Clancy novel but won't touch Stephen King. I'm guiltily addicted to the 'In Death' series by J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts, even though her writing style gets on my nerves. Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series is another favorite of mine, and I'm slowly but surely getting sucked into the magic that is Neil Gaiman. (Terry Pratchett, you're next. Hee.)

I like to think I'm a writer but really, I have more ideas than actual writing talent. I have a cast of characters in my head that seems to get larger by the day and all have their own unique story to tell.

Along with a love of the written word, I have a passion for foreign languages, especially Spanish and Japanese. I'm not very good at speaking them, unfortunately, but I enjoy immersing myself in them whenever possible.

I also have a huge fascination with the Japanese culture. I own several kimono, listen to a lot of j-pop, and do enjoy the occasional anime. I'm a big fan of anything by Studio Ghibli/Hayao Miyazaki, his work is EPIC.

However, I'm not a big fan of TV in general. There really isn't much on primetime these days that interests me, nor do I see the appeal of most movies that come out. Once in awhile, though, something will capture my interest and I'll follow it. (Glee, I'm looking at YOU)

I'm also addicted to hazelnut coffee, green and white teas, and have a weakness for Tokidoki and Simone Legno stuff.

My favorite colors are pink and purple, but I'm especially drawn to rainbows. I love loud, bright and busy, but I dress rather plainly... boring even. ;)

That should give you a decent enough idea of what I'm into, I hope.

You heard something about me from a friend (or someone else) concerning past drama and want the dirt.

Forget it. Go find somebody else to harass.

You used to be friended to me and came by to say hi/see how I was doing.

Nice to see you again! I generally enjoy reconnecting with people I lost contact with, provided I parted with them on decent enough terms.

If you still find yourself with unanswered questions, feel free to contact me via your preferred method. All contact info is listed on my user info. However, whether you get an answer or not is all in how you approach me. If I don't like it, I won't answer you. Simple as that.

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