Blood+ Episode 8

Feb 06, 2010 21:53

always good to know, Min

Haji is socially awkward when Saya compliments his outfit.

hey saya wanna /ss/

awkward lesbians


you gonna get taken away

Saya arrives at the school to meet her roommate, Min, an energetic and friendly girl. Meanwhile, Kai and Riku got dumped in Vietnam with, admittedly, "enough money to buy a tank," but isn't that really irresponsible anyways? Whatever. The point of Saya being at the school is to investigate a ten year old murder where the body was sucked of all blood.

Min tells Saya about "The Phantom," a school legend where a nun called Rose was kidnapped and a Phantom fell in love with her. And now, it's said the Phantom will kidnap girls with black hair away and give them a blue rose. Min also tells Saya that ten years ago, a woman was kidnapped by the Phantom.

The orphans sit around at a ship port, because David is a responsible adult and leaves children to fend for their goddamn selves. They decide to try and find Saya, but first to find food first. Back at the school, Karl is talking to the headmistress, but gets distracted when he sees Saya. He seems to feel pain when he sees her, but backs off. Saya tells Haji that she thinks The Phantom might be a Chiropteran.

That evening, Saya goes to the belltower to investigate, but gets caught by the headmistress. But that night, Min proves that she's a lesbian and gets into bed with Saya. And the first she asks is "have you ever kissed anyone". SUBTLTY.

Late that night, Saya sees something weird in the belltower, so she tries to go in again. She doesn't get caught, but decides it's a great idea to stand at the very edge of the belltower. So when a masked man appears, she almost falls off. The masked man almost...does something and reveals himself as a Chiropteran, but Haji is here to save the day. They fight, but he disappears into the night like the goddamn batman.

Saya isn't irritating, you get interesting plot developments, and the episode isn't boring as fuck

episode reviews, canon

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