yucky feelings sneaking up on me.

Jan 23, 2007 21:50

sick? maybe. chlorine? maybe. stresse? maybe. all? ooohhh definitelty

so here i am sitting in front of the computer when I should be doing some hard corse studying. I just cant bring myself to study after coming home from work hungry and tired. But not i feel guilty. AHHHH it's a vicious cyle and I don't kno what to do. At least I have free block first thing tommorow morning and no car so I'll be spending some quality time with my books in the wee hours AND i did study a bit before work and when my private lesson didnt show up. Oh my. Come on Nikki. snap out of it. Get on track!

I've really been reglecting my livejournal and piczo site. I need to put up some pictures or something. Hmm. After exams perhaps. Yes. There is so many things that I say im going to do after exams. Such as...
1) Get together with friends I've been promising to hang out with soooon. (Not to sound conceded but I hang out with different groups and I really want to spend time with all of them...the weekend after exams is going to be interesting)
2) Get a tutor for math
3) Stick to my healthy eating plan
4) Figure out what's wrong with me and actually take the drugs Im supposed to.
5) Get myself a man.
6) Buy a new bathing suit...A lining in my bathingsuit would be nice. The see-throughness is starting to irritate me.
7) Whiten me teeth.
8) Buy some new clothes
9) Pay my step sister back.
10) Pay for insurance.
11) Finish feng-shui-ing me room.
12) Talk in iambic pentameter for an entire day.
13) Download some awsome music.

That's enough for now. I could go on. I'll spare thee.
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