Jun 24, 2003 12:54
Maddox updated. Yay!
Anyhow, let's see what's new in the world today.
Acclaim said they will finish up their current projects for the Gamecube and then halt development for the console. The current titles in development are Legends of Wrestling III, XGRA, and...um...something else. I can see why they aren't moving product if that's the kind of stuff they're making anymore. What happened to Double Dragon? We need more games with mindless asskicking. It wouldn't be hard. Just take the pre-existing games and make it take 60 hours to complete.
Lik Sang, known world wide for being one of hte coolest console retailers, had to give NIntendo something like $650,000 in damages for selling GBA copiers. Nintendo said they lost like $680,000,000 to piracy last year...or in the last five years. Or something. Now, is that really piracy losses, or is that total losses? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that part of it is due to their insane "we publish for you" policy, and part of it due to their publishing a lot of marketing tie in games. Watch G4 and it seems like every GBA game that gets reviewed is like Nicktoons Spacefuckers Go For The Extreme Picnic or some shit. Save for established licenses, there really isn't too much to write home about in videogaming anymore. The rest of the article linked today over at GameFaqs talks about how this has slapped around the developers for the GBA, since this has made flashcarts harder to come by. As some of you may not know or care about, games are programmed on computer and are usually tested in a sort of emulator, which is all well and good until you realize that the computer you're using isn't as finicky as the console you're making it for. Plus there's little stuff that escapes your attention, such as lighting issues(anyone here that played Castlevania: Circle of hte Moon wihtout any standard of internal light should know what I'm talking about.) Nintendo likes suing people, what can I say. Must make them giddy when they win. While I happen to like their consoles more than the others right now, I can't help but think their legal department is a little anxious about things. For example, in France, if you carry any imported games or consoles(as in, from North America or Asia), that's grounds for getting your "official retailer" status pulled and no shipments of official merchandise. Of course, where that backfires is when the independant stores get in touch with wholesalers and undersell retailers. Bitch.
MMORPG Ragnarok Online was hacked, setting the game's date back by a day and revealing an apparently complete list of logins and passwords. No word on anybody's soul being sucked into the game to create a depressing anime series. Helba could not be reached for comment.
In other news, I started to play Kingdom Hearts. I don't think a game has pissed me off this much in a long time. Apparently they brought back the guy who did the jump programming in Xenogears, cause there are some jumps in it that you really should not attempt. Also, the game felt the need for story purposes to make you fight in pitch fucking blackness, where, get this, you can't damage the monsters yet, and really don't know a good way to get around. I can't help but believe that the Decepticons were involved, as only Megatron would come up with a scheme to drain the world's energy by distracting its children by making them scream at their TVs. In an otherwise great game, I think most of the people reviewing it were so taken by the fact that you get to have Final Fantasy and Disney characters on the same screen without the use of photoshop or anyone's genetalia exposed that they forgot to realize that battles come down to little more than button mashing most of the time. That and whoever made that spaceship thing needs to be hanged. Otherwise, the real fun in the game is listening to Donald scream when he gets hit. That's funny shit.
That's all for now. Tune in later when...yeah...
See you next time.