Apr 23, 2003 17:16
Studied for a few hours today, typed some of my notes. This is some of the most boring material EVER. The prof teaches right out of the book, so reading the book for me is to reinforce lecture as well as pick out the "straight out of the book" questions that will be on tommorow's test. It's not really a final per se, just the last unit test, which is a blessing if you've ever taken non-highschool cumulative tests.
I also got a little packing and cleaning done. In 24 hours I'll be out of here for the summer...no school of any standard for 4 months, and I get to return to civilization for the summer. Sadly, going home puts me further away from some of my favorite people in the world in Baltimore :(
Wish my final could start even half an hour later. I really don't want ot be in a room taking a test at 9:00 when I'm really not even functional in the morning until well past that. That and having it that early prevents me from reviewing for it a little more. [sigh]
My ride is apparently arriving here around 11:30 tommorow morning, so if everything works right, I may be home in time for dinner. Then I prolly won't be on until at least Sunday night for reasons I'll discuss later...or maybe I already did. Who knows.
Anyhow, ethical question from earlier in much politer terms: would you rather attribute your own irrational but temporary behavior to a chemical imbalance you may be temporarily experiencing or would you rather attribute it to just the way you are?
See you next time.