Paper 2 completed

Apr 21, 2003 10:25

I permitted myself ot sleep in this morning by an hour. I think maybe I was overestimating how much I'd have to get done today. Anyhow, paper 2 is complete, it is approximately 10:30 AM on this first day of finals week. Now I have to clean up paper 1, submit them both, and prepare for today's Genetics final(which should not be too bad...hopefully...I'll get at least a C in the course, guaranteed by the instructor).

So yeah, not much more work to do today...might watch a little anime to relieve some stress...I feel a tremendous weight lighted from my shoulders. I guess that my first draft wasn't so bad afterall, I only did some very minimum retooling of it and was satisfied with it. It's by no means my magnum opus, and I doubt I'll get much more than a C on it, but I feel that it's as good as it's going to get, and frankly, probably a lot better than many of the other papers that are getting handed in...and easily more interesting as well...the rest of them were on stuff like wedding rituals and shit like that...mine was Japanese Internment during World War II(it's a Cross Cultural Psych class).

So yeah, mini rant time. Anybody else but me noticing that pop/soda cans are becoming increasingly more fragile and thin? Like, they rupture too easily anymore, and crunch in too easily too...didn't dent as easily before, either. It's wierd. Perhaps its in response to the whole big boom in those 20 oz. bottles. Who knows. You'd think that there'd be an announcement about it somewhere or something.

On another note, my body isn't handing carbonation very well recently. Like, instead of coming back up in short bursts, it makes me nauseated, only to come out in one type of big shot or another later. It's messing me know you have a caffiene addiction when you have to chase a large coffee with a mountain dew just to wake up in the morning. THe rest of this week will be interesting like thatso I can study for my Thursday final...prolly half a NoDoz a much as it's probably ruining my body, I have to admit, it's pretty nice being able to be alert a lot of hte time around here ^_^.

3 more days after today, Bill. Three more days.

See you next time.

P.S. my 'image" is coming, I'm making a couple of my own, plus Diana from has graciously offered to make a couple as well. Thanks Asuka!
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