Apr 18, 2003 12:19
Hey All. I'm updating the format of Lauren's LJ sporadically...I should have most of it switched over by Wednesday. Just won'thave time until after monday(2 10 page papers due that day, plus a final in the afternoon.) Anyhow, today's stupid shit for the day:
1) I get back an random peer evaluation of a draft for one of those papers I mentioned. Now, I noted on the draft that it was by no means complete and that citations would be added later in the writing process, and that I simply have had little to no time to write this paper, and that's why it sucked. Well, I guess the randomly assigned peer that wrote this evaluation decided that it would be in hteir best interest to totally ignore what I said and proceded to point out everything that was wrong with the paper that I was already well aware of. Now, I'm sort of offended...largely because my school would admit someone that's SO braindamaged that they don't figure in the fact that i know what's wrong. They did provide one valuable piece of insight, largely on how to obtain articles, which it's too late for. THat and my prof castrated and decapitated my paper during the planning stage, so it killed hte paper already. I'm not expecting too good a grade of it since the prof likes to 'devil's advocate" the shit out of everything...won't go into details. So yeah.
2) Was talking to one of my annoying peers today. Every school has at least one like this guy. Laughs at a lot of their own jokes, open stereotypical nerd. Not that that's a bad thing...it's just that this guy can't tell when it's time to quiet down. So he asks me if I know of any good PSX games to get at the moment. Being that I've been keeping my eyes open for good deals on a system that most stores are liquidating for, I'm fairly well versed in the topic. So I suggest a couple of titles, both met his approval. Then I bring up CastleVania: Symphony of the Night(one of the best games ever made for those of you who deprive yourselves of things that rule), and he starts talking about how he hates CastleVania. Now, I could understand that if his only exposure was to the pain in the ass Gameboy ones or even to a lesser extent the NES ones, but there really has not been a bad one, and the recent ones(Nintendo 64 versions duely noted...)have been outstanding. So I ask him how he could hate such a great series. And he says "Because they're evil!" So I ask what makes them evil(other than that anything THAT good simply must be a sin ^_^) and he says "there's vampires in it." I'll stop the story here. Look folks, movies, music, and games do NOT cause people to act certain ways. If you start worshipping some evil force because you played a videogame, I'm almost certain that the game isn't the problem. Having actually researched much of what's apparently eating our souls, NONE of it teaches you to be an asshole. In fact, most people already have that characteristic from birth.
3) And finally, roommmate stupid shit. My roommate's a character, that's for sure. Coming back from my final class for the semester, I smelled something burning. This is nothing new around here. There's at least a weekly occurance of someone who left a bag of popcorn in the microwave for too long. So I get to the room, surprise surprise, my roommate is the source. Get this. He was making Easy Mac, and he used like no water...burned down the contents of the bowl...smells like he added the cheesepowder duriung cooking(which you really shouldn't do). Fortunately it was a glass bowl he used, else there would have been actual damage. Now it's pretty hard to mess up something THAT BADLY. Of course, he didn't even have the foresight to open the window to try to ventilate the room. Last time something got torched it took almost 3 weeks to get the "scalded butter" smell out of the air.
Anyhow, finals "quiet hours" start at midnight tonight, with an hour of "stress relief"from 9 to 10 for the next week until finals are over. Just in case you go to my school, during those hours I'll be the only naked screaming guy with a chainsaw you'll see that's "relieving stress."
See you next time.