Nov 03, 2009 22:42
20 Random Facts;
1. I have a rather strange habit of listening ot my favourite Disney Songs in different languages... at the moment I'm digging Clopin from Hunchback of Notre Dame's Spanish Latin American voice! Not as hot as his English though.
2. My dress sense is either really manly or rather girly... it's kind weird how different I can look whilst in a different outfit.
3. I've been mistaken for a boy in the past.
4. I'm a terrible artist. I MUST finish if I start drawing something... I hate leaving sometihng half finished, and if I hate I usually chuck it.
5. I'm one of those people that fell out of Disney at a young age... had a period of time when they had nothing to do with it (not in a bad way... just not watching them)... and then realised just HOW GOOD the old Disney films were. Now I want all my old films back.
6. I'm pretty damn lazy... I leave everything so late... it's just the thought of doing SOMETHING ELSE seems so much better.
7. I have three dream cosplays at the moment... all of them are way out of my league. I'll tell you about one if you want me to, but the others are only for one person's ears.
8. My legs sometimes seize up and I have to limp or drag my leg slightly. I'm os used to this however that I barely notice until people comment on how I'm walking. However I hate that becuase I now KNOW that it's noticable.
9. I will never regret being into Hetalia (well I still am of ocurse, but if I ever grow out of it, I mean). I have made so many friends through it, happiness and knowledge. The fan community is one of the friendliest I've seen.
10. Like Char, I can rarely ever look at people when I'm talking to them for a long period of time. I have to flit my eyes across the room or focus on something behind them... I ma listening and I'm not being rude! In fact a friend and I once talked about doing that... I was staring at her wall and she was staring at her wardrobe xD
11. I'm a pretty optimistic person. I do get Expo Blues, but I try to recover from them by finding people I met and communicating with them. For me, Expo is a great weekend, but an even better friend finder. There hasn't been an Expo yet where I haven't made one friend.
12. I rarely ever like pairings unless I can see evidence of them in the original fiction. Heck, I'd have been a UK/Japan if I'd followed fandom... but then I realised the TRUE PAIRING IS USA/UK (with a little fun FrUk phone in sometimes xD)
13. I like fruit and veg, but with my teeth in the state that they are it's very hard to eat them >= I never thought I'd MISS apples.
14. The thought of Uni and money is scaring me more and more by the day... but I want to go and I want to move.
15. I'm the kind of person who wants to research ANTHING BUT the topic I'm SUPPOSED to be researching. A month ago, I was supposed to be researching Tim Burton, however I had the unexplainable urge to research Russian History... DAMN YOU HETALIA!
16. I am a firm believer in Coexisting.... COEXISTANCE FTW! Religion, race, sexuality... you name it. WE CAN ALL LIVE TOGETHER!
17. <---- I like that number, but I like 7 more.
18. I'm a Christain, but if you didn't know that then don't let thta change your opinion of me. See 16.
19. My music taste is generally rock... however rock falls into TONS of categories... and I also like other kinds of music if it's GOOD music.
20. I get worried about my future at times I wonder if persuing creativity was really the right choice at times.... but I can't see myself being anything else. So... yay?
20 facts,