May 26, 2010 18:00
Its in the mid 80s today. Yuck!
On Saturday, mom took John to Best Buy for his birthday. I found Trick r' Treat for only $10. Theb we went to walmart to get John a new mouse which turned out to non-compatable with his computer. Sara got a cheap two-player badminton set.
On Monday the guy from the phone company came by and switched our phone line over toAtlantic Broadband. I think we're still getting the DVR but we need to go to their office in Middletown and pic up whatever it s we need. I guess its something that we can hook up ourselves. Mom picked up Sara on her way home and she stayed the night. We watched Robin Willians' Weapons of Self Destruction. That was hiliarious!
Yesterday we mostly just sat around. Sara and went outside and played with the badminton set. that was so much fun. We sucked but still fun. We hadn't played badminton in years. We played for at least an hour. Then we played a little more before mom got home. My sides are so sore lol. I definitely want to play again next time she comes over. We may play with the frizbeed next time too.
Today I'm too sore to do anything go out and bring in the mail. I got the othedr Cardcaptor doll. The nude one. She barely fits into thed little dress I made for my other Sakura. I think if I adjust the pattern a little, it will be fit her pretty well. Its a dress pattern though. I haven't decided how I will make the PJs yet. Last week I caved and bought a third Cardcaptor doll. This one is Mei Lin. There's one on eBay now for $13 that I'm sooooo tempted to buy. Its just dawned on me that I'm a compulsive shopper, so I probably will end up buyhing her. *sigh* I have no willpower...
Wow...I just typed this whole post from my phone!