May 20, 2010 07:31
Well, I had to return my BlackerBerry Curve. After only a few days it started acting like a computer with a virus. It would stall and take forever to do one thing. Mom heard form the girls she works with that they also had alot of trouble with theirs and were all trading them in. I really really liked the BlackBerry but it's not worth it if I'm going to have alot of problems with it. So, we took it back to Walmart last night and switched it with a Motorola Devour. I do like it, but it's the same as a BlackBerry. It was more expensive, but it was the only other Smartphone I liked. It syncs up with your Yahoo, Facebook, email and other social network places, which is neat. And it's mostly a touch screen which I stupdily didn't realize, but does also have a full keyboard. I get the weather on it. But that's about it. Anything else, like games or useful things like a note pad, I think needs to be downloaded. It's also heavy and has a metal casing. The backgrounds kinda suck too. Mine's a jellyfish. Also, the web browser is much better since it has a bigger screen.
While we were at Walmart I got more coffee ice cream. Yum!
On Monday, I cleaned/organized the kitchen. I threw out trash/junk mail, put things back in their place, washed some things and swept the floors. And I did the same with the hutch, threw out all the expired food and anything that didn't have a date on it that I don't remember us buying recently. Mom and dad were a bit stunned lol. Especialy since they didn't ask me to do it. I plan to clean/organize the livingroom today. Then the bathroom maybe.
Sara stayed over on Tuesday. She brought over her bootleg of Alice In Wonderland. I really try to avoid bootlegs as best I can, but this was too tempting (as was Avatar). I haven't watched all of it yet. It comes out on dvd in a few weeks though. I have to say that the outfits were amazing! I'm going to try and make The Mad Hatter's pincushion ring ^_^ While Sara was here, I helped her dye her ponytail purple. She forgot about it and left it in for a long time so it looks more black than purple. Like grape Kool-Aid lol.
Last week, I won an auction on eBay for a Cardcaptors doll. This was a US doll that was released in 2000 when they aired the show. I wanted these so bad but never got a chance to get any. I was only able to get the Clow Cards which I'm thankful niw because they go for alot on eBay. There were 6 dolls in all, 4 of Sakura, 1 of Li and 1 os MeiLin. I recieved her yesterday. She is in her school uniform. Her eyes look a bit crooked, but othereise I love her! MIB too. I really wanted the one of her in her kitty costume, but that was goes for over $30. I haven't seen Li at all, so I bet he's the hardest one to find. I'm so happy to have at least one of these now. All the other dolls aren't too expensive, but I'm not going to try and win them right now. At least I'm going to try anyway. I did buy a nude Sakura doll the other day for $3 though. I wanna make an outfit for her. I saw a Japanese doll of Sakura in her PJ's that was cute, so I might try to copy it.