(no subject)

Nov 04, 2002 14:51

Hello Hello. Today I take my second to last test for my GED. Ugh, finally I'll be done with that. The job situation is still up in the air, which sucks...a lot because I have NO MONEY. But c'est la vie, these things happen I suppose. My birthday just passed...on the 29th I turned 20. Ew! I'm Old! My e-mail account was cancelled...damn it...so if anyone sent me anything uh, I didn't see it. I don't really know what all I want to write about at the moment. Times have been really good and times have been REALLY BAD as of late but whatever. Actually I think I'll just fill out this little survey thing and be on my way for now.

Name On Certificate: Andromeda Rose ******
Nickname: Anne, Meda, Dollface, Bitch
Age: 20
School: Diablo Valley College
Location: Diablo Valley, California (Near San Francisco)
Eyes: Green-Blue-Gold
Height: 5'5"
shoe size: 7-7.5
Brothers/Sisters: Nope.
Who Lives With You: Well, when I am actually home, I live with My friend Fallon and my cat Checkers
When's Your Bedtime: Sleep when I'm dead. Or, whenever I'm tired enough to where I can't fight it anymore.
Do You have any piercings or tattoos? My tongue and my ears are pierced.
-----------Have You Ever------------
Been So Drunk You Black Out: Um, I guess a couple of times but I still remember everything.
Missed School Cuz it Rained: Yes, once when I was in middle school.
Put A Body Part On Fire For Amusement: Er...no that would be idiodic.
Been Hurt Emotionally: Many many times, especially lately.
Had An Imaginary Friend: Yes I've had a few, some of them members of Thundercats.
Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend: Yes on several occasions.
Cried During A Movie: Yes of course, I am a girl you know.
Had A Crush On A Teacher: Yes, a few.
Ever Thought An Animated Character Was Hot: Hah, Yes many many.
Been On Stage: Yes several times.
Cut Your Own Hair: yes, I have these cute little tendril bang thingies now.
Shampoo: Either Tresseme Deep Cleansing or Suave Vanilla for Dyed Hair
Soap: I think this yummy Honey soap.
Colour: black, mauve, blue, green, camel.
Night/Day: Er...I think Night
Summer/Winter: Winter
Lace or Satin: Both
Cartoon Characters: Captain Murphy and Sparks from Sealab 2021
Fave Food: sushi
Fave Advertisements: Hmm...not sure. Prolly the one for the vaccuum cleaner with the cat who sneezes and it's fur explodes all over the place, or those squirrel ones for Post-it notes or shit I can't decide.
Fave Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough
Fave Subject: Movies or Music
Fave Drink: Straight Vodka or Red Wine but if you're talking non alcoholic, then Tea
Fave Person To Talk To Online: I don't talk online anymore :( But if I did It'd be Neil or Renae
--------------Right Now------------
Wearing: A pretty, sheer, Cream Coloured top with Green Orange and Grey Asian Type designs on it, Tight jeans with tan accents and a tan suede belt with fringe that hangs down my leg, tan boots that go to my knee, six silver rings, one ball-chain necklace, a black bra and moonflower perfume.
Hair Is: To my shoulder blades, half natural red, half dyed black.
I'm Feeling: Okay...pretty blase(add accent mark to the 'e') at the moment.
I'm Eating: Nothing I already ate Mecca leftovers
I'm Drinking: nothing
Thinkin' 'Bout: My friends B and Jack. School, Money, Job situation, my teeth
Listening To: Some dumb tv show in the other room but I'd like to be listening to Jimmy Eat World's Bleed American album.
Talking To: no one
------------In The Last 24 hrs------------
Cried: Yes, severly.
Worn A Skirt: Indeed I have.
Met Someone New: Uuuum...I don't think so.
Cleaned Your Room: Nope, haven't been home in the past 24 hours.
Drove A Car: yes.
------------Do You Believe In-----------
Yourself: Yes, though at times I get discouraged
Your Friends: I used to.
Santa Claus: Who knows
Tooth Fairy: Maybe
Ghosts: Yeah.
Angels: Maybe
UFO's: Maybe
--------------Friends And Life----------
Do You Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Well, something like that anyway.
If YES, Who?: None of your bidnass
If NO, do you have a Crush? I don't know
Who Have You Known For The Longest: my mom, dad, Jon, Fallon, Jack
Who's The Shyest: I think Fallon or Jack
Who's The Weirdest: uh, me.
Who Do You Go To For Advice: None of those people anymore really...just me.
Who Do You Cry With: Whoever is around when I'm crying.
When Did You Cry The Most: This weekend
What's The Best Feeling In The World: Listening to your favourite music with someone you love.
Worst Feeling: Loving someone who doesn't love you back.
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