Jan 05, 2006 13:35
I have noticed that I am afraid of some strange things. I'm certain that everyone has little irrational quirks like this, and they're probably ultimately revealing of... well, something. But here are a few things I am afraid of:
1) Filling up cars with gasoline. I know this is totally bizarre, especially because I love the smell of gasoline (I'm a freak). I am just terrified that somehow I am going to screw up and set something on fire or make my car explode. I really avoid filling up the car and make Ken do it whenever possible.
2) Garage doors. This was worse when I was little, but I'm always afraid a garage door is going to squish someone - or that I, by closing it, would inadvertently squish a small child or puppy.
3) Snakes. This one is rational, I guess, but I am hideously afraid of snakes. Even tiny, harmless ones. I don't understand why people would keep such things as pets, because I find them thoroughly repulsive. Ugh.
4) Oh, fish kind of scare me. It's not like I see a fish and go "Ack!" but when I start thinking about them they sort of creep me out. I guess the idea that they are sentient beings with a supposed memory span of three seconds is kind of scary. So I guess it's imagining being a fish rather than fish themselves that freaks me out a little.
5) Eye exams and eye-elated injuries. I have an eye complex, which, might I add, makes it all the more impressive that I managed to figure out how to use contacts last summer. My eye doctor, if he weren't a friend from temple, would probably hate me (or maybe he hates me anyway) because I squirm so much and make it impossible for him to do his job when he starts trying to put stuff in my eyes. And movies/books/TV shows with eye related horrors are just unbearable for me. Ack.
There are more little things, and then there are of course the big things (failure, abandonment, being a terrible mother, etc, etc). But I am curious as to anyone else's little, bizarre-o, irrational fears. Make me feel less freakish.