My first exam is on Wednesday. :'( Ohmygosh I have not started studying for it yet and I'm so screwed beyond belief. Been focusing on the other three major tests coming the week after this one, and I'mgoingtoquitmylifenow.
I usually study for the exams I have last till my first exam draws near then start studying for it. Odd habit, how do you guys
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DO YOUR BEST <3 Study hard!~
Hmm, how do I study for exams? Well, I will alternate subjects every hour. And the night before the exam, I will cram for whichever one I am taking the next day.
I can't even alternate my subjects right now because there's just WAY too much content, they're all coming in a row next week.
It does not help the fact that we're having the exams before our 2 week break, they've always had it AFTER the break in previous years. :x
I'm seriously about to pass out from the lack of sleep, everything's spinning. @___@
WHYYY. D< I swear I was born with lazy genes or something.
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