Jul 18, 2006 09:58
So, my second day of work in the phone bank...not too bad :::knocks on wood:::
Being broke beyond the telling of it isn't fun...but it's like a game
See how you can eat for two weeks with $4...go!
It's amazing how disgusted with people, I am
I talked to Claire about this...and I mean, I realize that it's the easier route
NOT the better
never, never, never will it be the better
but...I still feel slighted
On a random note...I have a friend that wants to come to town...
And that...is nerve wracking...in the LARGE sense
So, if it DOES happen...September will be the month of skanking it up
hahaha....oh dear.
Well whatever, it might have taken me a lot more time but...I can catch up really fast
wanna watch?
let's just hope you won't be a big cry baby hypocrite this time
...although...on second thought....
There's also another issue, bubbling in my head
...I just don't know...
I just think that somethings...once said--can't be taken back
we shall see...truth is, she scares me.