(we haven't seen this family in a while, now have we)
Background: Cosmo lives with his wife Lisa and their three children, twins Clancy and Ginny, and Jonas.
". . .so Woodspirit says "You smell like fish." The substitute teacher got all red and didn't say anything. Woodspirit is so funny."
*whispering* "Lisa! You shouldn't laugh!"
"Well, Cosmo, it's true. I met her and it was like a day at Sea World. . ."
(Ginny) "You know who really bugs me. . ."
Lisa can't believe her luck. A loving (if not a little bit baby rabid) husband and three great kids that get along so well. And her career is going well too, thanks to her friend (and sister-in-law) Sophie. But Sophie has been different lately, not quite herself.
"I feel so lost, Lisa. It's like part of my memory is just gone."
"I feel a real connection to the new baby, but the rest of the family seem like strangers to me."
"You know what this sounds like? An out of body experience. I think you died and came back. Not many sims have ever made it back across the river Styx."
"I think this could really move you up in your career. You'll be able to share with other sims the knowledge you've gained from your incredible journey."
"My journey? You really think I died and came back?"
"Of course I believe it. It's the only possible answer."
"Holy . . . That explains it!"
"The credit card bill. Zebulon was asking me about this rather large charge to some company called, "I'll Be Back".
"Was there a number?"
"I'm not sure."
"Well if there's a number, you should call and see what kind of company that is. Oh, Sophie, I'm so excited for you. This is a great opportunity."
The next morning at breakfast. . .
". . .so Miss Half-Note is showing us this new song on the guitar and Woodspirt yells, "FREEBIRD"
Lisa's begining to wonder if she shouldn't meet this Woodspirit character. She doesn't have to wait long.
"Hey, Woodspirit. Remember the other day when you told the substitute teacher she smelled like fish?"
"Why do you think she got all red?"
"Well, duh. It's because she does. No one likes to be told they're stinky."
"Hey, my mom says she knows your dad from college. Isn't that weird?"
"There was a whole alien class. If we each have an alien parent, I wonder why we aren't green then?"
"My brother is green."
Indeed, Jonas is green. Which, unofficially, makes him Cosmo's favorite. Cosmo's not trying to play favorites, but it's hard when one child is so markedly different from the others.
It seems like the only time Jonas isn't shy is when he's around Cosmo.
"You guys are my best friends."
"You know, Jonas, we're going to be teens soon. . .
". . .yeah, so we won't be in the same classes with you anymore."
"But. . .we'll still ride the bus together, right?"
"Only in the morning. Clancy and I will come home on a different bus than you in the afternoon."
"So, I won't see you. . .not all day?"
"But, we're like a triangle. If you take away one side, it's just not a triangle anymore. . ."
"What on earth? What are you talking about, Jonas?"
"Well, I don't really have any friends except you guys and. . ."
"Don't worry, maybe now you can make some more friends."
Shy Jonas is not convinced. What will he do without his very outgoing sister and fun loving brother?
It's only a day later that the twins age to teens.
Ginny grows into a lovely young woman.
And Clancy?
Ooh, just look at him. He's WONDERFUL.
Only the best of the ugly get a profile headshot, too. He has his father's alien facial structure combined with his mother's skin tone. Magnificent.
While her children ponder the consequences of growing older, Lisa begins looking inward.
She's concerned that the recent scandal with her brother-in-law, Alphonse Bendett, will leave a stain on the Psychic profession.
And, let's not forget, Alphonse IS family.
She comes to a decision.
She calls the Mayor's office, demanding a press conference be held to help protect the good name of the Psychic profession. Her brother-in-law is not starting a cult, that's just ludicrous. The whole things smacks of a witch hunt.
But outside. . .
Cosmo is making a new friend. He's a nice guy. A professor. And he knows his brother, Alphonse.