Love Woodstock

Jun 26, 2006 21:12

Meanwhile, back at Mayor Love Woodstock's place. . .

(background: Mayor Love Woodstock is working with Ursula Vu to pass legislation to stop Alphonse Bendett's love cult)

"It's about time I have a face to put to the name. It's nice to finally meet you, Thetus. I hear from Ursula that you have some great information to bring to the table."

"Oh, yes. What I have will blow you away."

"I'll doll that legislation up so much you won't even recognize it."

"I'm not just interested in 'dolling it up', Thetus. I need to know that what you're going to present are hard facts. I don't want my reputation sacrificed on heresay."

"Oh, it's all there, Mayor. When I get done, we'll have more than the five we NEED. We'll have them ALL voting yes."

"Don't take this the wrong way, Thetus, but you're a very cocky sim."

"Oh, don't worry, Mayor. Your reputation is solid. Once you get your name on this law. . ."

". . .and combined with that marriage for all thing you just passed. . ."

"There won't be a sim out there, gay, straight or otherwise who won't check the box next to your name come re-election time."

Love, ever the good hostess, sets out a meal for her guests.

"Now remember, this legislation will have no inter galactic reach. Aliens will still abduct sims and there is no legislation that can stop that."

"But what about kissing boothes?"

"Kissing boothes are not cults. They're just a harmless fund raisers."

"But cultists, they need to be locked up."

"You really advocate imprisonment for cultists?"

"I hate to burst your bubble, Thetus, but the legislation only reads for the disbanding and prevention of romance driven cults. There is nothing in there about imprisonment."

Thetus thinks Mayor Love should have written stronger language into the legislation. Ursula just hopes coming to the Mayor was the right thing to do. She's already questioning her reaching out to Thetus.
And while Mayor Love is setting the politcal wheels in motion, the sands of time are slipping away for the rest of her family.

Brandon becomes one unattractive elder, while. . .

Sunshine becomes a lovely woman.


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