This update won't have the usual melodrama you've come to know and love from Nocheat.
But the twins, Lycra and SuperDuper, become children.
"So, now that you're both teenagers, any plans for the future?"
"You both have excellent grades, so? Have you thought about college?"
"I don't know. I'm not sure which way to go. It's kind of confusing."
"Don't worry if you're still unsure. I didn't know I was going to college until I showed up at the dorm."
"You could always take time off to travel. I've heard you can make great money doing drag shows on those gay cruise ships."
"Dad! That's RUDE!"
"I've been thinking about taking time off for some travel. . ."
Way to support Farquest Galaxy, Fortunado.
"Huh? Wha?"
Yeah, you're a real class act.
I can forgive you (since you're so goddamn cute).
And you dote on your twins like such a sweet papa. Tickling little Lycra.
Flinging SuperDuper into the air. Be careful, buff boy. Don't brain the kid on the ceiling (oh wait, there aren't any ceilings).
And you've already raised one sweet daughter.
(what the hell? I forgot ONE strip of wall covering? I'm so not ready for "Trading Spaces")
And even though Farquest isn't your biological son, you've done a pretty good job with him, too.
"Lycra, what's it like having a twin? It must be so nice to have a sibling who's so much like you."
"And you know who your father is. Not just some cosmonaut your mother made up to make you feel better about being green."
"I really understand how some sims take to the drink. . ."
"Oh, grow up!"
Wow, that bunny head really does help them learn to talk!
But I promised the twins would become children, didn't I.
Ok, but SuperDuper gets to go first.
Mmm, looking very Fortunado-esque.
And in profile:
Oh yeah, that's Fortunado's spawn, all right. And you can definitely see Eugenia's forehead.
And now (drum roll please) the moment I've been waiting for ever since I created the sweet Queen of Ugly, Eugenia Bendett.
Lycra Bendett, child.
Be still my heart, her profile is EVEN BETTER.
I was so happy to see her become a child. She's everything I wanted from a Eugenia spawn. True, Farquest Galaxy is hella-ugly, but given his father's unique look, it's not nearly as impressive as Lycra.
Lycra will inherit the Ugly Throne from her mother.
But not with the Shirly Temple curls (though they are funny).
This slicked back do will suffice for now. (I'm using the Shirley Temple curls on another ugly girl child--you haven't met her yet. Sorry, Lycra, she beat you to them.)
Since Eugenia and Fortunado were kind enough to give me the ugly spawn of my dreams, I allow their elder transition.
Now you look even MORE like Charles Grodin, Eugenia (and I love you for it).
And Fortunado is still as cute as always. He even got a little makeover. I like it, Fortunado.
"Congratulations, Eugenia. You made MadameUgly happy."
Yes, yes, you certainly did, Eugenia. And you helped, Fortunado.
So, Fortunado, have you told Eugenia about your daughter, Inkberry yet? I know you called her and told her you are her father. . .