Sims 3: Random pics of randomness

Apr 08, 2013 08:46

My home machine does have internet access but no anti-virus software (oh, the drama that's causing right now).  Now I wasn't going to bother using and flash drive to move pics BUT. . .some fun stuff happened when I was playing last night so I just had to take a few snaps and then (of course) I had to share them.

So, let's look at sims3 pics, shall we?

It's a dark pic but you can clearly see this is a cat begging a treat from an alien.

The cat is Hypnotoad.  He's part of the Vanilli family (Millie and French Vanilli).  I don't remember which neighborhood they live in.  I think it's the pets ep neighborhood, Appaloosa Plains (?).  I only have two 'hoods.  (and it's kind of annoying that you can't make your own for more variety, though I guess I could just makeover Sunset Valley or App Plains if I wanted but I'm not that ambitious/bored yet).

Here he is in a badly edited pic (brightened to feature him a bit more--it was night after all).  He's definitely an elder, sporting his can and the whole thing.  It's such a shame they don't let elderly sims RETIRE.

I'm kind of disappointed that pudding aliens have pointed ears, that that's an "alien" thing.  But I'm just being all fussy about that.

Those are the only two pics I have from the Vanilli household.  I haven't played them since those pics were taken.  I realized that making a full household (with a pet) was a bit too much for me to deal with what with being a newb and all.  I didn't admit that until I'd made a second household (separate game) and made the mistake of rushing into procreation.  That's Jasper Farnsworth's game.  He currently sits in a modest starter home with a live in lover (who he's not sure he really likes--me either, to be honest) and a newborn daughter.  And an elderly cat.  I was overwhelmed in that household so I decided to make a third game and start with just ONE sim and play very "legacy" style.

The rest of the pics are from that game, Sadie Unger's game.

I bought her a huge lot (the biggest you can place) and it's really a mess.  It's on a hill and I'd say at least half of it will probably never be usable.  But it's so huge there's plenty of usable space (even if I do a full 10 gen legacy on the lot).  I cheated to give her ZERO dollars and set about learning the game by having her hustle around finding stuff she could sell.

She didn't sell EVERYTHING she found.  Her she is giving some kissy love to Gary, a snake she caught right off.  Then she immediately wanted to buy him a terrarium, so I obliged.  That's kind of the way I'm playing it.  Very want driven.  So what if Sadie has no house or any creature comforts.  She can get a terrarium for a snake she picked up at the park.

It's working out pretty well (so far).  She currently has an actual house complete with toilet, shower, two counter tops, kitchen sink, stove, fridge, four lights, and one cheap folding chair.  She also has a sleeping bag (no real bed yet--no need for it), a parasol, and a torn up umbrella (it's rains all the freaking time in this game!).  Oh, and she also has a snake terrarium (for Gary), a bird cage (for her cockatoo, Lago), and a turtle terrarium for her box turtle (crap, I forget his name now--I want to say it's Phil or something like that).  The animations on the critter cages are super cute.  OH, she also has a cockroach that she keeps in her pocket (named Jamie--I was going to let it go or sell it but when I went to name it the game picked that fabulous gender neutral name so I kept the bug--maybe I'll give it to another sim as a gift and see how that goes over).

Speaking of other sims, Sadie has exactly one official friend.

This guy:

Despite how it looks, they do get along.  I forget his name right now.  He's quite personable and even invited Sadie to a pool party.  She went and then proceeded to collect seeds from his yard (and tried to catch a turtle but it was too fast for her, heh).  Of course, the minute she headed over to the party it. . .wait for it. . . started raining.  Really, what is with the rain in this game!

Notice anything interesting there in the background of the above pic?

It was a first for me.

I'm not sure if the deceased died of old age or from the eating contest but she definitely caused a scene.  She even begged for her life but Death was having none of it.  Sadie was too involved in talking to her friend to even notice.

Oh, and the best part?  This happened during the fall festival.  Too bad it wasn't near the haunted house.

Speaking of the fall festival, it was also the site of another first.  Sadie's first act of thievery.  She has the klepto trait so I had her steal something.  She deftly stole a huge pile of hay bales then she put out her sleeping bag and slept in the spot where they had been.  Yeah, no one's going to suspect you, Sadie.  Stealing is very lucrative.  The hay netted her 350 bucks.  Brava, Sadie.

Speaking of that sleeping bag, it's super helpful and amusing.  So far Sadie has slept in the park, her own garden, and outside the theater (during a date, of all times).

Dating?  Why yes, Sadie dates.  She has one fella who's always calling up for dates late in the evening.  Took me a bit to figure out why but I think it has something to do with his GIRLFRIEND.  He's out creeping while she's sleeping.  Dog.  Sadie still goes out with him but it's not going anywhere.  She's more interested in a different fella.  Again, I don't remember the name but he has an unfortunate hair do and (I think) a child and (I think) a pet.  If memory serves he was giving away kittens and I was SUPER tempted to take one but then remembered I have cats in my other games and this game is about exploring the newness of sims 3.  So no kitten (yet) for Sadie.

She rolled the want to send Bad Hair a love letter but apparently they're not on good enough terms for that.  She also wanted to kiss him AND do some night fishing (literal fishing, not "fishing" as in trying to hook a mate) so I had her invite Bad Hair to the lake/pond area (the one that attracts all the wild horses--speaking of, I saw one walking backwards down a hill--very amusing).  The water also has a big ass shark in it and the gold fish love breaching over it.  I always laugh when the gold fish breach.  So dramatic.

Of course, it was pouring down rain and her umbrella was in tatters.  So I'm trying to salvage what I can from the outing, chatting up Bad Hair and all the sudden he takes off.  Great.  I figured it was just my ineptness at the harder socials in this game but then I noticed Sadie's queue.

"Investigate bizarre phenomenon"  (or something like that)My

Given her location, my first thougt was UNICORN!!

Not so much.

Ready or not, here they come.  You can't run!

Even with your paltry one athletic skill point (from roller skating) you're not out running our pointy eared friends.

And wouldn't you know it, I was just trying to finish up my playing so I could take a shower and get ready for bed.  Eh, what's a few more minutes, right?

I'm not sure if Sadie was upset about being sopping wet (the g-darn rain!!) or from being cock blocked by the aliens.

Maybe the aliens saw how pathetic that date was and decided Sadie was better off getting abducted?

Here's hoping Bad Hai hasn't been scared off.  Sadie wants that kiss (locked it in).

One last pic because it amused me.


Once Sadie rolls the want to get her face painted, I'm going to get Little Cloud

image Click to view


(hope that video imbed works--I'm so out of how to work all the new LJ crap)

sims 3

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