". . .she's hoping to get some answers, too. I don't know about you but it kind of freaks me out a little. I did manage to convince her to wait until the baby is born. I mean, who knows what might happen to it while she's. . .ew, I just don't even want to think about it."
How's that for random, huh?
(that's for you
eleme aka
yarnsim Thanks for sharing that link with me--this is exactly why I wanted these letters, so I could be all classy like this)
Barry: Yeah, thanks a lot. Just for that I'm not covering!
Jokes on you, Barry, I can't smell it (but unfortunately I can smell my cat, Cringer, who just did a bombing raid. Damn girl, what did you EAT!)
(ooh, I think that pic is going to me the new wallpaper for my work computer! *mental note*)
"Excuse me. . .we're trying to take a soul here. If you could just give us a little room. . ."
There's nothing like a pushy broad in a coconut bra, am I right?
". . .and you promise Thurston will be there?"
Death: Of course.
"And Mandy?"
Death: Oh, yeah, she's here all right.
Now one of two things is going on here.
Either Death's wearing a new cologne that has Jessie all a twitter (you know how he loves those OLD guys!)
Ellen was in the middle of serving a meal when Death came a calling (worse than a telemarketer, Death is).
And I see you lurking back there, Buffy. Come to say goodbye to your mother-in-law?
"Nah. I smelled the burgers and was going to grab one but now that I see them there on the floor with Death all hovering over them I kind of lost my appetite."
Which of these is more sad?
Yeah, the cat one all the way, right?
No joke, the pet deaths (and reactions to death) still get me *thunks fist against chest* right here, man.
Rest in Peace, Ellen Parsons.
She was the first grilled cheese sim I ever played start to finish. And I have to say, I love the urn. But I'm wondering if she didn't get into some of Mandy's Acapulco Gold. That urn is flying high, baby.
(what's the deal with the hovering urns? Thurston and Ricardo's aren't doing it but Mandy and Ellen's are. Annoying)
Whatcha got there, Pearl?
"A girl. Buffy wants to call her Mitzi so I guess we'll do that. But first. . ."
Yeah, you probably should go get Mitzi now that the bed is all hospital-cornered up.
"It's just. . .well now that I'm not pregnant anymore I can go looking for some answers, you know, in the stars. But what if when I'm up there they decide. . .you know. . .since I'm not pregnant anymore. . .or do you think that's only for guys?"
You'll just have to discuss that with them once you get up there, huh? For now, I think Mitzi would probably like something to eat, don't you agree?
I know this isn't your first rodeo but. . .remember what I told you about the diaper?
"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to get it in a sec."
Lola: Land's sake. . .what is that STINK! Someone cover that UP!
Well, didn't you just turn out to look nothing like your grandmother and father, huh?
Lola: I don't need yellow feathers in my hair. I'm gorgeous. Sleek and trim. I have to say, judging by GramMandy's portrait and father's girth, I dodged a sizable bullet.
Caught all the attitude, I see.
Lola: What's that?
Coco digs being a big sister (though I'm not too thrilled with the big age difference--why do I always do that to myself?)
Ok, man your bingo cards, folks. It's time for:
(this fail spam brought to you courtesy of a generous grant from the Buffy Buffington-Parsons fund, helping failures everywhere since 2010)
I'd like to say this was an isolated event but Buffy attempted to destroy this rug a few times (which made me proud I had remembered to install a sprinkler along with the fireplace *pats back*)
Lola: YES YES YES YES!!!! I can't tolerate this kind of childish humor. So low brow and. . .well, quite frankly it degrades us all.
What. Have. I. Created.
Remember to ask them about the whole pollinating thing.
Barry *laughing maniacally*
Lola: I'm afraid father may be getting a bit senile.
Lola: You too?
Barry: Oh. . .oh it's just too much! Pearl really thinks she's going to avoid. . .*more laughter*
I know, right?
Lola: I'm trapped in a madhouse!
Barry *giggling softly*
Calm down. *snickers*
"What are you laughing about?"
Uh. . .
*smiles* "Did Pearl get pollinated?"
Fifi, shhh. It's supposed to be a surprise.
"Oooh, I LOVE surprises." *makes locking motion over lips*
"OHMYGAWD! Is she ok. . .*gasps*. . .Pearl. . .are you ok?"
(Coco thinking) Hmm, wonder where Fifi is? It's not like her to miss cake.
And the winner for Most Angular Toddler. . .Mitzi Parsons!
"I managed to save you some cake. Where were you?"
"Hiding? From?"
"That dirty old skeez tried to KISS me."
"NO WAY! What did you do?"
"I shoved his old ass off me and yelled at him. LOUD so he could really hear it. Creepy old pervert."
"Then what did he do?"
"He tried to FOLLOW me. I could hear him on the sand and I said, 'Don't even think about it, fucker.'"
"No way. You called him a. . ." Coco giggles.
"I should have kneed him right in his dick."
"You should go do it right now. Just go up to him and kick him right in the nuts. What a perv!"
"He should be locked up. . .like those freaks they catch on that show. . ."
"Perv Patrol?"
"Yeah. He's so perfect for it. We should contact Perv Patrol and set up a sting. He's so dumb he wouldn't even realize what was going on."
Fifi's eyes narrow.
"No, I have a better idea. I'm going to change. You meet me out by the latrine in ten minutes."
Uh, Pearl. I think Coco and Fifi are plotting some kind of. . .OH! I forgot about that.
"About what?"
Your abduction. Looks like you got a little souvenir, huh?
"Yeah. I thought they only did that to guys but I guess not. He must have got me before I woke up. I'm missing a spot of time from when I left the ground until I woke up and he was talking to me."
So? Did you see him? What was it like?
"No, I couldn't see him. But I know it was a him. Unless it was a chick with a REALLY deep voice. I guess it could have been. . ."
"I asked him about my dad and he said he'd heard of him before and that he thought I was a relative of his. You know. . .the nose is kind of a give away."
So Thurston was a Pollinator?
"Yeah. I think. I didn't get a lot of time to talk to my guy but he said he'd come get me again if I want. So we set it all up."
Cool. See you in the morning?
Oh. . .you have GOT to be kidding me. Of all the sims to walk by the Parsons' abode. . .
GUESS who I just saw.
Waylon. Menon.
"Waylon. . .OH one of the Ones That Got Away? How is he? You should have let me know and I would have invited him in for dinner."
WHAT?! Invited him. . .are you CRAZY!
"Oh get over it all ready. That was like forever ago. Live and let live, I say."
Well. . .well those pregnancy hormones must have turned your brain to porridge.
Looks like you have an audience.
"Yeah. I'm just getting a bite before I head off again."
So soon?
"YES! I hope he can tell me what I'm having. I'm tired of being surprised."
Good luck!
And now, I offer you a Sims Morality Play.
"Drink. . . and you will be HEALED!"
"WAIT. . .he said. . .he said if I drank I'd be healed?"
Death: Who? *laughs* Oh, that quack shrink? Yeah, he's been working with us for centuries.
"Drake? Oh. . .oh no. . .no. . ."
Death: Sorry, sir. I have a receipt here for one Drake "Pierce" Steele. Says it's non-refundable.
Fifi is pleasantly surprised. That *was* easy. Good thing she listened to Coco, too. Petunia Cowabunga probably would have turned her nose up at Drake. And they both agreed, it was mean to try and get Petunia to eat something so gross.
But she hadn't really counted on the crying. She feels bad for her father but. . .well, he can do better. He DESERVES better.
She doesn't even want his urn in the house. Out by the compost bin and latrine? Yeah, that's good enough for him. Though that dirty old perv will probably LIKE watching people use the latrine.
So, as I'm heading back to the house after moving Drake's tombstone I arrive just in time to see. . .
Barry: Oh. . .this is NOT good.
"Oh my god is this because of. . .NO. . .I'm sorry. . .I'm so sorry. Coco is too. We didn't know. . . he said he'd bill us. . .we didn't know. . ."
Death: Stop. Calm down. He didn't tell you. . .
"No. He just said it was taken care of. I tried to give him my dad's Amex number but he wouldn't. . ."
Jessie can only stand and stare.
". . .please. . PLEASE. . .don't take Coco. She's. . .she's my BFF. She's the closest thing to a sister I'll ever have. . .you already got my daddy. . .PLEASE!"
Death: All right, all right. Calm down. Due to extenuating circumstances I can invoke the Mulligan Clause.
NOW, just as things are coming to a head inside the house. . .
. . .guess who decides to come back home?
See, this is what I get. I totally set up the "handsy Drake" pics for story purposes (hey, I needed some reason for him to die) and since Coco and Fifi each have only one nice point I figured they could easily do a
"Goodbye Earl" on Drake. Then I got lucky and Drake's aspiration meter bottomed out when Pearl got abducted (something I didn't realize would happen) so I could just elixir him away. But THEN, one of the ghosts came along and got Coco so. . .long story short:
Karma is a bitch.
"YES!. . .I mean thank you. Thank you so much"
"Oh my god. . .Fifi? What happened. . .oh shit. Are we in trouble?"
Death: Listen to me both of you. I'm not some kind of novelty like a singing telegram, understand.
(in unison) "Yes sir."
Yes sir.
Death: And you can't just call me up and then decide you changed your mind. Understood?
"Yes sir."
Yes sir.
Death: Good. Now, if you don't mind I'm very busy. . .
*whispering* "Oh my god. That was so intense."
"Fifi, can I speak to you?"
"I hope you don't get in too much trouble. . ."
"Fifi Larieux Tandum! I can't believe. . .I'm VERY disappointed in you."
"Daddy. . .I'm sorry. . .but Drake. . .he was getting all grabby with me and. . ."
Fifi tells her father all about her encounter with Drake. Jessie is stunned.
"I. . .I need to go lay down."
"Your dad's not going to send you off to military school is he?"
"No. . .but he's really upset. I guess I can understand that."
Coco nods.
"OH MY GOD, Ricardo. What have I done? I'm a horrible, horrible parent. Getting involved with Drake and now. . .our daughter. . .MURDER! Where did I go wrong?"
Ricardo wishes for just one more day with his family. It breaks his heart that he can watch but not help.
He does the one thing he can still do.
"Oh my. . .daddy?" Fifi's voice cracks. "I didn't think. . . I didn't know. . ."
Ricardo hovers.
"I promise, I'll never do it again. I'm sorry, daddy."
PHEW! I think we need to decompress for a minute, huh?
Now you may have noticed a kind of nifty painting on the easel in the background of the "Jessie ranting at Ricardo's urn" pic? (if not, scroll back up, I'll wait. . .)
So it seems Jessie Tandum, inspired by Loki Beaker-Sunseri (of "Peculiar" fame, if you will), has been exploring a certain theme with his art. SO, to help us calm down I offer:
The Jessie Tandum Collection:
Thanks to these paintings (all of which were official masterpieces) Jessie Tandum achieved perma platinum by the close of the week (earning $100,000--a first for me--yeah, I've never been overly concerned with LTWs in general, that one in particular).
Ok, then, back to the action.
"He was right! A BOY!"
"Yeah. I said he could pick the name so. . ."
"Come on, you've been holding him forever. Give him to me."
Coco gently snatches her brother from Fifi.
"Darius. . .Darius. . .who's the cutest little boy EVER?"
Darius is in hog heaven.
Going back again so soon? You just gave birth.
"Yeah. I want to let him know Darius is good. And maybe. . ."
Pearl laughs.
Jessie makes a cake to celebrate his transition.
And. . .
"Outta the way, ghOpal. I smell CAKE!"
I love when I can double up on transitions.
"Thanks for the super awesome cake, Uncle Jessie. Chocolate's my favoritest EVER!"
Mitzi is a little bit of all right. Awesome look AND she has some Nice points (in stark contrast to her sister who has only one). I'm looking forward to seeing how she ages.
Barry: Girls. GIRLS! Don't make me get the squirt bottle.
Don't worry, Barry. They're just goofing off.
Now some of you might be thinking "pair them off" to which I reply: Sorry, ain't happening. Oh, it's not that I didn't think of it BUT both ladies prefer the boys (random rolled) so they'll get what they want (eventually).
But for now. . .
"Hey, my mom's back!"
Barry: I wonder when we'll see them again?
Hmm, sounds like Buffy's still holding a bit of a grudge.
". . .and we'll be able to sing nursery rhymes and. . ."
". . .he'll be able to give you kisses and hugs. . ."
Lola: I'm definitely going to get it this time. . .
Barry: Get what? Her hand is empty. And she calls me senile?
"And know what the bestest part is?"
Yup, Mitzi's all excited over the latest transition.
Lola: I heard there was going to be cake?
Despite her rant at the retreating space ship, it appears Buffy holds no resentment toward Darius regarding his lineage.
Lola: Honestly. . .you and that stupid sign. . .
I couldn't resist. Darius transitioned with a nearly fully red bladder bar so it's perfect warning for what comes next.
Ooh, we've seen that face before.
I get the feeling Buffy's not much for young children. She never interacted much with baby/toddler Mitzi and it seems Darius won't be warming her up anytime soon.
Little stink pot.
Really. He has ZERO neat points. I wonder if he'll cultivate a fly colony like Fifi? Time will tell.
(oh and for the record, Darius is the product of the PT replacement set by
gheez . It's the Official PT Replacement Pack of the Ellen Parsons Project. Darius' alien father is labeled PT Leon Dorkasaur so that leads me to believe
dorkasaur contributed the sim in question.)
What the. . .
Is that?
Fifi Larieux Tandum! Were you just in the tent with Freedom Lovechild (
pixelcurious )?
"Yes. Don't freak out. We were just talking."
Hmm, why do I not believe you? You just be careful there, missy. Freedom Lovechild is a romance sim. I don't want anymore ghosts on this lot, do you hear me?
"I won't kill him, I promise."
Good. And be careful around him. I've heard rumors he's involved in the Bubble trade.
Fifi! I mean it. . .watch yourself.
And I have my eye on you, mister Lovechild.
Well there's something I've never seen before.
Snowman: Pets are a real pain in the ass.
Testify, brother. Test-i-fy.
". . .and now I just don't know what to do. . .Oh, Mandy!"
Hmm, I wonder what that's about?
What I do know is the week is over.
But what's week 12's challenge?
(Coco thinking) Oh. . .oh shit! That can't be right. I just checked it yesterday. . .where did it all go?
Dun, dun, dun!
Until next time!