Sims rambling: New BACC and Tecza chatter

Mar 12, 2010 20:50

Jealousy Tecza (for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, check out the Tecza round robin/awesimsauce challenge--it's a fun little read, trust me) has made a liar of me yet again.

I told myself I wasn't going to really discuss my new BACC neighborhood (yes, I have two of them now) because I was just going to play it like a GAME, really try to beat the challenge and all that but. . .well then Jealousy Tecza had to go and get himself abducted (as a teen) and not get brought back by the time  laridian   wrapped up her story and, well, how can I be expected NOT to bite on a sweet story starter like that?  What am I?  Made of stone?

So, Jealousy has ended up in Plumbobania (my new BACC hood).  And his story is coming along nicely.  I'm definitely being heavily influenced by the books I've been reading lately, in particular the books about fundamentalist Mormons (yeah, the ones that do the whole polygamy thing--and I don't mean that whitewashed polygamy you seen in "Big Love", I mean the hardscrabble oppressive polygamy described in books like "Shattered Dreams" by Irene Spencer, a woman who was raised in and eventually escaped polygamy).

But I'm not going to say too much about Jealousy's story, since I'm still playing it out.  Let's just say I'm having some good fun and look forward to sharing it with anyone who cares to read about it.

NOW, the rest of this is going to be BACC blather, since I opened that door I might as well walk on through.

Plumbobania Stats:

(currently playing rotation 2--the first rotation was very long since I only had one household)

Stats as of right now:

3 households
4 owned community lots
1 level ten business, 1 sim in business career track
12 playable sims
SM = 2
Total Population:  24

Also have:
1 level ten business (and 1 sim in business track, attempting to top)

I have tweaked the rules a bit for this BACC.  First, I did a quick start and instead of starting with one sim I started with one family rolled prosperity style.  So I ended up with 6 sims (one elder, one teen, two children, one toddler).

I also heavily tweaked the university acquisition rules.  Since I'm moving very slowly with this BACC, I decided that once I get one family with a net worth of one million simoleons, then I'll open the first university.  It just makes more sense to me this way.  If one family was founding a neighborhood, they would (even after they moved out of the familial home) all still work together to better the neighborhood by adding a university.  Once they had the university it would attract new households (that weren't directly related to the sims currently living in the neighborhood).  So members of the founding (Hive) family aren't being taxed in the classic sense but are instead pooling their net worth.  Once the combined net worth of all 4 hive households (only 3 of which are fully up and running) and their owned comm lots total a combined one million, the first university will be added.  Any additional universities will be attained via the regular BACC tax rule (tax all households at 5% of combined net worth--and I tax households with worth over 100,000 at 10%).  With that said, I'm not townie farming (meaning no moving a townie in just to move them out to get a new household--the only townies being moved in have to be tied directly to the Hive family either by proper marriage or by breeding Hive offspring).

I've also tweaked the free comm lot rules as well.  I'm not requiring the free comm lots to have the size/values dictated in the original rules.  I find they take up too much space and I never use them anyway.  So I will place those lots but they can be whatever size I feel is best suited to my neighborhood map.

For the job rules, I have kept most of the existing rules but tweaked a few things here and there.  I'm not focusing too much on careers anyway, since comm lots are making me plenty of cash at the moment.

Speaking of comm lots, I have finally discovered the wonder that is the "dazzle" interaction.  I have a music venue where the ticket price is 1,000 simoleons/hour.  I have two gold badge level sales sims on the lot and between the two of them they can dazzle every potential customer into agreeing to that heinous price.  I'm hoping to raise the price to see just how much money I can milk out of the townies.

I've also realized just how great apartments can be.  I always knew they had their appeal but with this new BACC (in particular Jealousy Tecza's story) the apartment feature is really coming in handy.  There are still things about apartments that I don't like but overall they're very useful.

I can't wait to see what  teffielynne   does with the proper Jealousy (she's doing the official Gen 6) so then I can trot out my AU version.

round robin, bacc

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