And last night he did.
And (act surprised!) it was the neighbor's kitten.
Despite my warning (as I was returning her first kitten--you know, the one that ran off and was promptly replaced by a new kitten) that my cat (Cecil) is VERY aggressive and she (the neighbor and the kitten) should be glad he doesn't get outside or he would devour such a small bundle of fluff, the neighbor continues to let her cat not only free range in and out from her house to her yard, but mosey over to my yard and get my cat all riled up.
(in case you don't know, Cecil is so aggressive he takes daily medication to calm him down--specially concocted medication that can be applied to his skin since we can't wrestle a pill down his throat. Did I mention Cecil is a HUGE cat? He weighs in at around 20 pounds and is not fat in the least. He stands a good inch to inch and half taller than our other male cat, who is a decent sized siamese looking fella. And in case you were wondering, he's neutered too but still very aggressive).
Last night Cecil was all worked up, trying to escape the house (which he did twice) and just being weirder than he normally is. So when he started showing signs that a foreign cat was in our yard (racing from window to window, lashing tail, huffing noises) the wife went into the yard to chase off the intruder (who this time was the neighbor's kitten).
As my wife is going out to chase off the neighbor's cat (and despite my warning him that Cecil had escaped earlier in the evening and to be extra diligent), Cecil races out the closing door and launches himself onto the kitten.
Much screaming and cursing later, my wife returns with the still quite pissed Cecil (who is now sporting a LARGE tuft of hair in his mouth, hair that is NOT his) and a bleeding wound on his forearm.
And my wife wonders why I insist on our cats getting rabies shots despite being predominantly indoor pets.
Not that I'd wish ill on the kitten, but I hope Cecil gave her a big enough scare that she stays out of my yard. And I hope the neighbor woman doesn't try to chat me up anymore. This is my LAST STRAW. I'm done with her and her disregard for her pets (and that goddamn squeek toy she just bought for her yapping dog--I want to let Cecil out to put the hurt on that dog's ass, too).
So Cecil ended up spending the night locked in the basement, lest he vent his aggression on Monte (our other male cat, who has been Cecil's whipping boy on numerous occassions). Thankfully this morning he was fine (and Monte didn't show any fear, either).
You know, it's moments like this that make me really understand those folks who don't want to keep pets. They really are a pain in the ass.