Sims blather: Sim based dream

May 15, 2008 16:46

This is the second time I've had a sim related dream.

In this dream, I was once again playing sims (though it was kind of like I was in the game too, or maybe just playing on a SUPER HUGE screen, or a bit of both).  The graphics were VERY bright and kind of strange, so my first thought was I needed to update (or downgrade, as is often my case) my video drivers because I had justed installed Free Time.

Then I got this horrible sinking feeling, you know, that moment of terror when you KNOW you've fucked something up.

I was playing Free Time WITHOUT a cd crack.


Yeah, even in my sleeping world, I'm a worrier.

BUT, this being a dream, my first thought was:  "If I hurry up and turn the game off, the computer won't realize I've gotten away with NOT using the cd crack."

Yeah, like secur-rom was some actual little gremlin that was just busy picking its ass and didn't notice I got away with something.

It was while trying to hastily shut everything down that I woke up.

Think I have any anxiety about installing Free Time?  What?  ME?


random sims

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