FINALLY Love gets her own place.
And it only takes her a second before she has Brandon move in.
Once he's part of the household, my suspicions are confirmed. He IS a romance sim. But one trip to the aspiration changer and he's a nice fortune sim instead.
But it seems Brandon is DOOMED TO FAILURE.
He loses his job the next night. Maybe he was better off as a romance sim?
And what's this?
Nice work, Brandon. Now you're going to be a father (again, lest we forget Ned Senora).
Holy crap, can't you get ANYTHING right?
You set the kitchen on fire while hot to trot Saphron is trying to have a date? Way to go, Brandon.
Soon, Love hatches the baby.
Saphron is quite shocked, but then pleased to meet her new niece, Sunshine Woodstock.
Even Brandon seems very pleased.
Brandon, now unemployed, stays home with little Sunshine while Love attempts to become Mayor. Soon, it's time for Sunshine's birthday.
Brandon and Saphron hoot and holler and Sunshine becomes a toddler.
She really looks like a little boy, what with that tuxedo. She's actually a pretty nice mix. Then again, Love isn't THAT ugly and neither is Brandon. Maybe she's ug-up a bit as she ages.