Since Galacticon has such a huge "family" this had to be a two parter. There will be a little bit of jumping around between households but it shouldn't be too confusing.
(Background: Galacticon Farquest is well known for his woo-hoo prowess. A prowess that has made him not only a very popular sim, but a father seven times over.)
Galacticon found himself strolling down memory lane more and more these days. It had started when he met one of his sons, Romeo DeTreville. What a sharp lad, that Romeo.
Romeo called regularly, giving his father updates on his life.
He'd won the heart of the sim he'd had his eye on in college. Shamus was a nice lad and was making quite a name for himself in business.
Romeo was working with the Nocheat police force on a new project.
Training and breeding canine officers. Otik was used for security while his mate, Enid, was being trained to sniff for drugs (Bubble being the drug of choice amongst the teens). It remained to be seen what would become of their puppy, Astrid. But with her pedigree, Romeo had high hopes.
Both dogs were fiercely protective and alert to everything that happened on the lot.
Galacticon felt about pets much the same way he had felt about children. And while his opinions on the later had changed a bit while raising his twin sons, he wasn't willing to test the former. No matter how much Pillage pleaded.
Romeo's life was going so well, he decided to take the next step with Shamus.
"Let's get married."
It might have been prompted in part by Shamus's younger brother's recent engagement (and pending wedding--they had set a date).
"Did you hear me, Shamus?"
"Quit messing around. . ."
"I'll mess around. . .but only with you, Shamus. I mean it, let's get married."
How could Shamus refuse such a non-conventional proposal? They decided to wait to announce it until after Shamus's brother's wedding. Let him have his moment, then they would have theirs. But just because they were waiting didn't mean they had to keep it a total secret. Romeo's first call was to his father.
"I wish we had the funds to throw him a big wedding. But since Rocco and Carmella's deaths. . ." Galacticon trailed off. He felt odd discussing his former lovers in front of Shanghai. Technically they weren't married so he was free to do as he pleased but. . .
. . .there was something about her, something different. Galacticon chalked it up to being an old foagie. Age did strange things to a sim.
Like domesticating a self proclaimed bachelor. . .
. . .and inter-galactic gigolo.
No doubt about it, he wanted Shanghai every bit as much as he'd ever wanted any of his other lovers. But he didn't push the issue.
So when Shanghai proposed a soak in his trusty Love Tub, Galacticon started humming a familiar tune.
"You know, we might not have a lot of money for a fancy wedding but you could still throw a little get together for Romeo. Just a small family thing."
"Family thing?" Galacticon was inspired. "That's a wonderful idea. All my kids. . .in one place. . .together." Galacticon knew Shanghai had a thing for families and offspring.
"Oh, what a great idea! All five of your other kids can finally meet Pillage and Plunder." Shanghai was very excited at the prospect of a big family gathering, even if the majority of the children weren't hers.
Galacticon was excited by her excitement. The old man still had it, thank you very much.
There was just one snag.
He hardly knew his first born daughter, Mosaic Laide. Or rather, Mosaic Woodstock.
Mosaic had a jagged history that involved one daughter (being raised by her biological father) and a son by her husband, Freedom. Wood Spirit was the typical child.
"I promise, I'll take care of it and everything, even picking up the poops. Pleeeeez, dad?"
"I'll make you a deal. Straight A's and we'll go right to the pound." Freedom had no problem getting a puppy for Wood Spirit but he believed the boy should earn a few things, to build character.
He knew Wood Spirit would rise to the occassion.
And he was pleased to take the boy to pick out their new family member. . .
"Sing, Sputnik, sing for the cookie."
"Yip, yip, yowwwllllll."
"Good boy. Who's a good boy? DAD! Come see what Sputnik can do. . ."
"Excuse me, are you Mr. Freedom Woostock."
"Yes, I am, but we're not church goers and I really don't want a copy of The Watchtower. . ."
"Ooh, no I'm not a. . .no. I'm Galacticon. Galacticon Farquest. I called. . .we talked on the phone. About your wife, Mosaic." Galacticon was trying to keep his cool. How could this young sim have such a sieve for a memory?
"Oh, yes, I'm sorry. We just got a puppy and. . .I'm distracted. She's inside. Uh, I'm Freedom and this is our son, Wood Spirit." Galacticon looked at the boy and was startled by how much they looked alike. "Wood Spirit, this is your grandfather." Galacticon tried not to recoil at the sound of the word.
"Really? I thought all my grandparents were buried in the backyard. I saw grandma G.E.M. the other night. She likes to wake me up sometimes. I hope I get to see grandpa Crunchy soon."
"It was my story about grandpa Crunchy. . .I mean grandpa Crunch Granola that got me my award. Dad gave me some pictures and I did an essay. I even got to read it in front of the whole school. Then mom and dad took me to grandma Belle. . .oops, I forgot about grandma Belle. She has a restaurant and is a famous chef. Have you ever been there?"
Wood Spirit rambled on and on and Galacticon did his best to nod and arch his eyebrows at the appropriate places, even giving a few "oh's" and "yeah's" where he felt they were needed. Listening to his twin sons had given him good practice. Freedom went inside to fetch Mosaic.
So lost in his pattern of looking interested he missed Wood Spirit's proposal to play catch and found himself suddenly having to protect his face from a projectile. He wasn't dressed for sports and willed either Freedom or Mosaic to appear and deliver him from the very active Wood Spirit.
"Galacticon Farquest." It was said with surprise tinged with just a pinch of disgust. "Woody, baby, go inside and wash up for lunch."
"Mosaic! I've been so looking forward to our meeting.. ."
"My mother told me you were a charmer. . ." Mosaic lowered her voice, waiting for Wood Spirt to go into the house. "I don't want to sound rude, but why now? After all this time? Is this some "I'm dieing and I regret my life" things? Because if it is, honestly, I'm not interested in drama."
Galacticon laughed. "Oh, heaven's no, dear. I'm not interested in drama, either. I wanted to invite you to a party. . .well, rather, a family reunion."
"A. . ." Mosaic snorted. ". . .a family reunion? From what I've heard, you have sewn more than a few oats. This is going to be some party, huh?"
"Well, it's not as many oats as you'd think," Galacticon smiled. He could feel he was winning Mosaic over. "You have six siblings who I'm sure would be happy to meet you. They're all very excited to get together. It would be a shame if you couldn't at least stop by for a few minutes. . ."
Mosaic smiled and shook her head slowly from side to side.
"Why don't you come in and have lunch with us. It'll be like a test drive."
The meal started off rather awkward. It didn't appear Freedom was a very good cook.
"Dad said you have a bushel basket full of kids."
"What? I just wanted to know how many kids fit in a bushel. . ."
"That's E-nough."
"Well, I'm not sure how many kids fit in a bushel basket. I'd bet I have more children than just one bushel full." Galacticon laughed, encouraging the mortified parents to relax. "I have seven children to be exact. But your mother was the first."
"First out of seven. That's pretty good, mom. So what are their names?"
Galacticon hadn't been prepared for a quiz. He started with the easiest. "Well, there's your mother, that's one. Then there are the twins, Pillage and Plunder. They're the youngest. About the same age as you, I'd guess. Then there's Romeo, he's a police officer and raises police dogs." Wood Spirit was quite impressed by that fact but kept quiet, holding four fingers up to keep track as Galacticon continued. "And there's Farquest Galaxy. I'm not sure what he does, he just graduated college though, that much I do know. Then there are two girls, Dora Mae and Shotgun. Dora Mae is in college and Shotgun is in high school."
Holding up his seven fingers, Wood Spirit launched into a laundry list of questions starting with "what kind of name is Shotgun?" and ending only when his mother prompted him to eat more and talk less.
Galacticon hadn't meant to spend the whole afternoon, but his grandson (he still couldn't get past that word, "grand") was just so interested in him. And spending time with the boy was a good way to win Mosaic over, not that he needed to try too hard. It seemed she had her mother's kindness.
"Grandpa, did you fly here in a rocket ship?"
Wood Spirit was full of questions.
"Woody, sweetie, it's time to let grandpa. . ." Glacticon could swear he saw her smirk when she said that word. ". . .get home."
"But ma. . ." Mosaic gave her son a look which quieted him instantly. Galacticon wondered if Mosaic would teach him that trick for use on Pillage and Plunder.
"You need to take care of Sputnik and get a bath. Go. Now." Wood Spirit said goodbye to Galacticon and did as his mother directed. Mosaic walked outside with her father.
"It was nice to meet you. Wood Spirit is probably going to write a story about you now." Mosaic laughed and Galacticon joined her.
"I'm sure there are already many stories written about me, my dear. What's the worst the boy can do?"
"So, dad. . ."Mosaic laughed at the sound of the word. ". . .when's this party?"