[Mod post] New Layout

Aug 21, 2009 20:52

Okay, guys. As you may already noticed, I finally had the time to work on the new layout for this community.
Today, I found this great layout made by runningrockets, which I customized a bit. I made a new header (with the help of sunshineangel89's tutorial), and I changed the community icon and the user profile.

BUT ... I'm having a few problems with the new header image. It just won't fit :( But I'm working on it. In the meantime, please pretend as if the header is fine ;)
It's finally fixed thanks to evolretsalp's help. Sent some hugs, guys!

Oh, and I hope you like the coloring/layout? If not, please tell me and I will try something else. That won't be a problem at all ;)

! mod-post

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