Fic: The Lost World [Jenny/Gibbs]

Nov 06, 2011 22:51

Title: The Lion King
Fandom: NCIS
WCount: 3,121
Pairing: Jenny/Gibbs
Rating: T
Summary: ...or how Uncle Decker ended up with a broken nose whilst babysitting. Sequel to The Kids Are Alright.
Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or any of its characters, or its settings - all belongs to the lovely folks at CBS.
Spoilers: If you've never seen The Lion King and have been planning to, I wouldn't read.

Read it here!

rating: pg-13 (t), genre: angst, fanart: oneshot, pairing: jenny_jethro, genre: au, genre: family, genre: romance, artist: ddagent

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