Fic: From Paris, With Love [7/7]

Oct 26, 2011 00:52

Title: From Paris, With Love
Fandom: NCIS
Chapter: 7/7
WCount: 709 
Pairing: Jenny/Gibbs
Rating: M
Spoilers: End of season four/beginning of season five.
Timeline: Set halfway through season five.
Summary: A dead marine is linked to a small performance company in DC, who last performed in Paris in '99. When the owner is revealed to be a dangerous arms dealer, Jenny and Gibbs have to resume their Paris aliases,and try hard to keep focussed...and alive.
Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or any of its characters, or its settings - all belongs to the lovely folks at CBS.
Previous Chapters: Read 'em here...


genre: angst, genre: casefic, pairing: jenny_jethro, fanart: multi-part story, genre: drama, genre: action, genre: romance, artist: ddagent, genre: crime, rating: r (m)

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